Example sentences of "telling [pron] of [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I have received literally thousands of letters from readers telling me of their successes .
2 Staring straight ahead at the road before him , the driver went on talking , telling me of his boyhood ambition to be a footballer and of the Mafia-like behaviour of the modern IRA .
3 An example of her power : scared as he was , the boy Nikolai had managed to hold out against telling them of her destination until it was too late for them to prevent her from reaching it .
4 ‘ We are talking to our employees telling them of our plans in a very detailed way . ’
5 Theory-builders have tried to peer behind it , but none agrees on what they see , nor on ways of telling which of their glimpses is true .
6 I paid her for the call , and stayed chatting for a while , answering her queries about the cottage and then telling her of my brother 's expected arrival , and the possibility that he might telephone with a message .
7 For example : to move from one foot to two in any glissade , it can and should be when first studied a smooth gliding movement as it is when Albrecht gently draws Giselle to sit on the bench before telling her of his love .
8 Yet that was the hour at which Fen had called her , telling her of his intention to get under way .
9 Giles 's motive in telling her of his expectations was so transparent that she had lost interest in him .
10 Their first approach , late at night in his hotel room , came a week after he had received his sister 's long and excited letter telling him of her marriage .
11 So she held back on her questioning , though she somehow found that she was telling him of her love of music and how Janáček 's lively sixth movement was one of her particular favourites .
12 She wrote to Dick , not mentioning her miscarriage , telling him of her plans .
13 Though had Leith any anxieties about telling him of her feelings , then she discovered that they were unnecessary anyway , for , glancing at Naylor again , she saw that a cold mask seemed to have slipped over his features .
14 After dinner she wrote a brisk , chatty letter to Chambers , telling him of her notion and in every way ( she hoped ) putting him at his ease .
15 She wondered whether she could gain his respect by telling him of her d'Urberville blood .
16 Hypocrisy of this kind derives from the agent 's conscience telling him of his evil , while his desire not to appear evil causes him to feign goodness .
17 The letter telling him of his disgrace was delivered to him in prison .
18 One Saturday morning , without telling anyone of my plan , I boarded a bus and headed off out of the Lesotho capital of Maseru and towards Roma where I knew a witchdoctor lived .
19 She starts by telling us of her welcome .
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