Example sentences of "to talk [prep] [noun] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Social support was assessed from a thirteen-item index covering the individual 's perception of wife , friends and relatives as supportive or unsupportive , frequency of activity with them , and perceived opportunity to talk about problems and engage in satisfying social activities .
2 Do you want to talk about disarmament or do you want to help those in the White House and in the Kremlin who are really trying to do something effective about it ? ’
3 Then he started to talk about Ramsey and said ‘ probably the best man for Durham ’ .
4 The upper and working classes , being less verbal , less given to talk of shoulds and oughts between the sheets , have less trouble , if you 'll forgive me , simply getting it up and putting it in , to the relief and satisfaction of everyone concerned .
5 The Communists reacted by attacking " the half-Trotskyite ILP , a party that loves to talk of revolution and to shriek out " Left " phrases on every possible occasion " .
6 After the meeting a lot of people wanted to talk to Karen and ask her about the last few days .
7 ‘ We felt that by cutting out the broker to reduce the cost , building up a team of very friendly tele-sales and tele-service operators to talk to customers and explain and do all the form filling for them , they would eventually sign .
8 ‘ We want to encourage parents to talk to youngsters and see if the new kits are what they really want .
9 On two occasions , I tried to talk to people and ask for help .
10 He said : ‘ I 've been told all the stories about how my dad used to stand in the Steering Wheel Club with half a pint of lager just waiting to talk to people and to worm his way into Formula One .
11 Probably if ‘ Damnation Derek ’ had bothered to talk to people and get to know them a bit before preaching at them , he would have discovered that they would want to ask him some questions about what he believed .
12 erm So that there are a large number of tropical foresters now who 've been here and gone back to their own country , and one of the things which I point out to them these days is the need for public relations in their own countries , and getting information across to governments and being able to talk to economists and finance people in their own countries .
13 Everyone always wanted to talk to Lucy and listen to what she had to say , everyone was always looking at her .
14 The reorganisation of the CNRS and other bodies is one facet of a major principle behind the government strategy : the researcher must be tempted down from his ivory tower to talk to industry and think about the needs of the real world .
15 Visitors are welcome to go to the Harewood House office to talk to staff and discuss possibilities .
16 He had regretted refusing to talk to Rain and rung Eliot to say so .
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