Example sentences of "40 [unc] [unc] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It requires only a small further step to argue for the exclusion from English of " those unfitted to benefit " from studying literature , Indeed , in 1968 , T. R. Henn is to be found recommending that at Cambridge the number of students taking English should be cut by 40 per cent on the grounds that many students tend simply to " drift " into the discipline .
2 We have a per capita consumption 25 per cent below that of the Swedes and the Argentinians , 30 per cent below the Americans , 40 per cent below the Belgians and Swiss , and 50 per cent below the French , Germans and Japanese .
3 The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( RSPB ) , with a more than three quarters of a million members , has grown by over 40 per cent since the end of last year .
4 INCREASED rainfall has increased the mean flow of many Scottish rivers by 40 per cent since the 1970s according to Professor Keith Smith of the Department of Environmental Science .
5 Even at 40 per cent off the list price it still costs £1,500 , plus VAT -a bit over the top for me .
6 Figure 9.10 now tells a pretty clear story ; the proportion of people who believed that the economy had deteriorated in the previous year climbed from around 40 per cent at the beginning of 1984 to a peak of 67 per cent in February 1985 , but declined thereafter .
7 The Roman catholic element in all the republic 's protestant second-level schools varies from one school with 0 per cent to one school with 40 per cent of the total .
8 MERCHANT bankers proposing a demerger of Ferranti International into two separate businesses have received the initial approval of 40 per cent of the company 's shareholders .
9 Roughly 40 per cent of the consideration will come from borrowings and the remaining 60 per cent from existing resources .
10 Under the Plan , by 1998 , 40 per cent of the cars in the region must run on methanol or other ‘ clean ’ fuels .
11 Footwear , where trading profits slipped by 23.5 per cent to £31.6m or 40 per cent of the total before ‘ one-off ’ property income , has been especially poor .
12 Ironically , they are unlikely to arise on sites zoned by local authorities for housing development : such zoning can raise the price of land to as much as 40 per cent of the cost of a house .
13 Mr Edmond and 10 others are accused of running an extended ‘ crew ’ of drug dealers who controlled up to 40 per cent of the city 's cocaine trade .
14 The Exchange will hold around 40 per cent of the shares in the new body with 20 or more groups — such as banks , registrars , securities houses and large financial institutions as well as some listed companies — holding the remainder .
15 To do this , and to be able to return to all shareholders the full 100p value of their initial investment , the managers must achieve compound growth of 6.8 per cent — a modest target given their plan to invest 80 per cent of the fund in UK blue-chip companies and the fact that the top 20 Footsie stocks last year accounted for 40 per cent of the total income of the FT-all share index .
16 The agreement , between conservatives , moderates and liberals , calls for 40 per cent of the legislature to be directly elected by 1997 , and 60 per cent by 2001 .
17 The new measures are aimed at curbing unofficial action , which last year accounted for 40 per cent of the days lost through strikes .
18 Swings were highest amongst those who relied more on television than the press for help in deciding how to vote , rather lower amongst those who relied more on the press , and lowest of all amongst the 40 per cent of the electorate who found television and the press equally useful .
19 Local agronomists from the Commissariat of Agriculture discovered in the Samara guberniia that 40 per cent of the machinery that had been hired out was unusable , and virtually all the rest was in need of repairs .
20 In the 1980s payments of this kind , and for related royalties and patents , have come to equal about 40 per cent of the income in dividends which accrues to foreign investors and they are usually given priority in payment over dividends .
21 In 1986 , 40 per cent of the nearly 9 million tons of cereals imported by Africa was financed under food aid projects , at a cost to donors of approximately $0.5 billion .
22 Under the party 's rules 40 per cent of the votes in Birkenhead have been allocated to the unions and 60 per cent to individual members .
23 But a series of opinion polls have suggested , very roughly , a 30-30 split with 40 per cent of the electorate undecided .
24 Midland estimates that it will be able to trade its debt for equity stakes at between 30 per cent and 40 per cent of the face value of the loans — getting equity stakes valued between $30million and $40million in exchange for an existing $100million loan .
25 But a series of opinion polls have suggested , very roughly , a 30-30 split with 40 per cent of the electorate undecided .
26 In the trade union section , which is allocated 40 per cent of the total vote , Mr Davies came first with 25 votes , Field second with 15 and Wilson last with 11 votes .
27 Since the trade union votes count for 40 per cent of the local electoral college , Mr Davies was declared the nominee .
28 While business was buoyant there was a living in it for many small shops that are liable to succumb in a climate where 40 per cent of the country are wanting independent deals , and the remainder are demanding much improved advice and service .
29 It requires little research to do so , largely because West German specialists and journalists rushed across the frontier and came back gasping out tales of air pollution four times worse than West Germany 's , of mercury levels in the Elbe that were 250 times EC limits , of forests where 40 per cent of the trees are sick .
30 Some 40 per cent of the world 's population depends for drinking water , irrigation and hydro-electric power on 214 river systems shared by two or more countries .
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