Example sentences of "spoke for [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 According to this view , instead of representing workers or peasants , they spoke for a new class spawned by advancing capitalism , the class from which they themselves sprang — the intelligentsia .
2 Charles Trevelyan , founder of the UDC , spoke for a substantial body of opinion when he moved the resolution in a spirit of revolutionary pacifism : ‘ … the rulers must know that if war comes they will fight with a divided nation .
3 And so it was all along the line , from Telnitz in the south , right the way to the Olmütz road , where the plain rose into the foothills of the mountains to the north ; and after he had disappeared into the tumult and light , neither Thiercelin nor Epitot spoke for a long time .
4 He spoke for a long time .
5 As my hon. Friend the Member for Copeland ( Dr. Cunninghan ) said , the Secretary of State spoke for a long time — until about 6 o'clock .
6 The hon. Member for Rugby and Kenilworth ( Mr. Pawsey ) , who has a great interest in education , spoke for a long time , as did other hon. Members on both sides of the House .
7 He spoke for a large part of the population .
8 The man claimed he spoke for a large group of serving and former policemen who styled themselves ‘ the Inner Circle ’ .
9 In the mid-1980s the Daily Telegraph probably still spoke for the great bulk of Middle England , when , after Britain had yet again resisted international calls to reduce pollution , it announced :
10 Allen spoke for the first time since he had joined them .
11 The Russian spoke for the first time .
12 Joanna 's ex-boyfriend , Frank Tadgell , spoke for the first time about her disappearance last night .
13 DEFIANT Dave Beasant last night spoke for the first time since his week-end goalkeeping torment and insisted : ‘ I still want to play for Chelsea . ’
14 MIA Farrow 's adopted daughter spoke for the first time yesterday of her ‘ wonderful ’ affair with Woody Allen .
15 Andropulos 's captain , Aristotle , spoke for the first time .
16 The man in the chair spoke for the first time .
17 Mrs Singh asked ‘ Do you have the same holiday ? ’ and then spoke for the first time about Balbinder .
18 He looked at her for a long moment , puffing on his seisha , then spoke for the first time .
19 Mr Nicholls spoke for the first time .
20 Then little Meg Giry spoke for the first time .
21 ‘ There 's one other thing , Prime Minister , ’ Colonel Carter spoke for the first time .
22 She spoke for the first time since luncheon began : " Darling , your spinach , please . "
23 Grace spoke for the first time .
24 Theodora spoke for the first time .
25 The old man spoke for the first time .
26 Last night , members of Pringle 's family spoke for the first time about police handling of the siege .
27 SHOOTING victim Jason Ward spoke for the first time yesterday about his week-long ordeal after suffering serious gunshot wounds .
28 THE TV presenter Fiona Armstrong yesterday spoke for the first time about why she has quit the breakfast station GMTV — and dismissed talk about the notorious ‘ F ( for fanciability ) factor ’ .
29 Steve spoke for the first time .
30 As it dropped like a stone from 6,500ft , Captain Fuchs spoke for the last time .
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