Example sentences of "spoke to the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I also spoke to the assistant editor , when he came in .
2 The verbal authoris authorisation was given at seven fifty P M on the fourth of December and there was a subsequent tactical , the tactical advisor Sergeant spoke to the Assistant Chief Constable at eight fifteen .
3 Yeah , I , I went in yesterday actually , I spoke to the assistant manager and erm , it , it was not good news at all , he got two like plastic dispensers of leaflets in front of the till
4 I also spoke to the chief investigator of the Senate committee , who said that he had taken a large amount of information about this to the first secretary of the British Embassy in Washington , but the British government had hampered any further investigation .
5 Next day my father went back to the war and my mother back to the boarding school where she was on teaching practice as a French assistante , and spoke to the future wives of doctors and civil servants : Je suis , tu es , il est , nous sommes .
6 Jan 's Grimsby colleague , who spoke to the proud dad shortly after the birth , said : ‘ Jan watched the operation and said everything went smoothly .
7 Someone came quietly out of the crowd and spoke to the other officer , looking at me .
8 He never spoke to the other boys , and they never spoke to him .
9 Oh , I stood outside the primary school this morning and spoke to the other mothers , and none of them want anything to do with it .
10 No , not now , our schedules are perfect with that they 're planning cos I spoke to the other day
11 but , she 's the one I spoke to the other day , she says you 're a character
12 Not sure of the reception she would get if she spoke to the other girl , not sure what her mother or Feargal might have told her , she was about to duck back into her room when Terry turned .
13 He spoke to the financial controller too .
14 Spoke to the sterile elements of sea
15 Then he spoke to the young woman again .
16 Mr Mark Rees , a transexual who spoke to the annual meeting of Darlington Samaritans .
17 Apple Computer Inc 's personal digital assistant — now said to be code-named Newton — is being described as ‘ one of the most exciting electronics products in years ’ according to sources that spoke to the Associated Press .
18 He strolled across the foyer to deposit her room key and spoke to the middle-aged receptionist behind the desk , who straightened respectfully .
19 Kang Yang Wook , chief secretary of the council , spoke to the assembled delegates and according to the intercept of a broadcast on Radio Pyongyang said :
20 I believe that Albert peace , the office manager , spoke to the old man about it once .
21 When she spoke to the old maid , she told her that she would be coming down in the morning .
22 Simon spoke to the old woman who suddenly burst into a spate of words , her rags shaking with the energy of what she was saying .
23 Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union could be equally disillusioning , of course , and when the Governor of the Bank of England , Robin Leigh Pemberton , spoke to the Overseas Bankers ' Club in February 1990 on lending to East Europe , he put his call for caution in the context of the losses sustained in the South .
24 He went to Danny 's school and spoke to the 200-strong football squad .
25 It is hard to imagine the C.-in-C. of the Warsaw Pact addressing a Vietnamese colleague as Marshal Grechko once spoke to the Czech Defence Minister : ‘ When I am thinking , you be quiet . ’
26 The adviser then spoke to the whole department , pointing out to them that , ‘ the appraisal is a thing we as advisers are required to do .
27 When I spoke to the Conservative association in the hon. Gentleman 's constituency I heard only a litany of problems caused by the Labour-controlled council , which has done absolutely nothing to promote the area .
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