Example sentences of "suggests [that] [pron] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This suggests that something is amiss with the job definition and , by implication , also with education and training which does not prepare them for the reality .
2 So keen are GKR not to be identified with the less ethical and aggressive end of the search market that it maintains it frequently turns down business ; from any other search firm , this statement might be questionable , but GKR 's standing in the market , and the obvious importance of its untarnished reputation in gaining that position , suggests that it is probably the truth .
3 One type suggests that it is simply the frequencies with which the separate features occur ; a ‘ prototype ’ is often said to be formed from the most commonly occurring features ( thus we form mental prototypes of dog , tree , car , and so on ) .
4 It is a world of " visions " and of " devils " , of " voices " and of " shadows " , and the fact that it is described throughout in vague and melodramatic terms suggests that it is fundamentally ill-suited to presentation in the kind of drama which Eliot wished to write .
5 However , the evidence so far suggests that it is not enough to persuade businesspeople that rates will really be fixed forever .
6 Somewhat later , Mary Whateley , following Pope 's style very closely , suggests that it is not necessary for women to respond in kind to misogynistic satire :
7 Egenhofer ( 1989 ) , in work on the testing of query processors , suggests that it is not possible to hide the implementation structure of the query at the interface .
8 This suggests that it is not the findings , the products of enquiry , that we should apply but the process of enquiry , the conceptual analysis , observation and experimentation which research exemplifies .
9 Historical evidence suggests that it is not the absolute level of unemployment which restrains wage claims but its rate of change .
10 The betting odds here are extraordinarily long ; theory suggests that it is not possible to liberate useful energy this way nor is there any natural phenomenon that gives us confidence that this can occur .
11 Experience suggests that it is not just valuable but essential for recruitment , as well as for effective working relationships and enhanced musical performance .
12 This suggests that it is not only at the levels of syntactic and semantic analysis that language processing is interactive .
13 Our ordinary sense of language suggests that it is not possible for a person to use words or conduct ‘ towards another person ’ if he is unaware of that person 's existence .
14 Presenting a piece of information as given suggests that it is already established and agreed and is therefore non-negotiable .
15 But the record since 1945 suggests that it is highly improbable that the British people will play anything like the major role in the affairs of mankind in the twenty-first century that they have done so frequently , if often unavailingly , in the course of the twentieth .
16 Although in general the evidence suggests that it is usually the man 's retirement that provokes most friction , this may change as more of today 's working wives turn sixty and find themselves facing the same need to make difficult adjustments .
17 Although the death rate from asthma in England and Wales is reported to be about 2000 a year , clinical experience suggests that it is much rarer .
18 Recent analysis of the impact of retirement on personal adjustment suggests that it is less aversive than many have assumed .
19 Indeed , so strong have the differential views on advantageous locations become that one recent assessment of the total stock of foreign capital in developing countries suggests that it is less today than it was in 1900 , measured in relation to GNP ( Maddison , 1990 ) .
20 A novel theory about the origin of oil suggests that it is actually a product of the earth 's core , and not of living organisms at all , but this is not widely accepted .
21 But this suggests that it is actually impossible for Hegel to realise what appears to be an ideal notion of the relationship between lovers .
22 The fact that disruptive behaviour often leads to considerable stress , anxiety and absenteeism suggests that it is all the more important that schools tackle the issue with more clarity and imagination .
23 Indeed , Poulantzas suggests that it is precisely the relative autonomy of the bureaucracy as a specific social category from the ruling class which is so important , under certain conditions of capitalism , for the hegemony of the whole class .
24 This suggests that it is only a possibility where the baby is so handicapped for any reasonable human existence to be impossible .
25 Somewhat like Storr he suggests that it is only in overcoming such psychopathology that effective creating can occur — an uncontroversial conclusion but one that scarcely illuminates our understanding .
26 The prevailing value system suggests that it is only if you have paid in full for what you receive that you fully deserve to have it .
27 His comment suggests that it is almost as if , when someone woke up in the morning , they were suddenly possessed of something mysterious in becoming conscious , like a metaphysical virus .
28 There is also something about him which suggests that he is not unacquainted with evil . ’
29 She manages her husband , who is rather eccentric to say the least , in a manner which suggests that he is officially still the head of the house .
30 His emphasis on the " common style " suggests that he is no longer interested in talking to himself but to others , and Four Quartets is at one level an oratorical performance : it would not be too much to say that all of his previous work has led him to this point , where poetry is married with public exhortation .
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