Example sentences of "set off [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And he immediately set off for a long Bank Holiday break !
2 Following two days ' rest Venables and Renshaw set off for a final attempt taking a more direct line , avoiding sections of 70 degree snow and ice by passages of rock and mixed climbing .
3 She was eighteen and had never been out of England , yet she unhesitatingly set off for a remote and savage country in Africa .
4 I collect a dozen or so from the dewy grass in the early morning and set off for a few hours ' chubbing , knowing I am going to catch several fish , providing , of course , the weather and water conditions are favourable .
5 The day was held for customers and staff who in groups of three , set off for an 18-hole Stableford competition ( I 'm told this will mean something to golfers ! )
6 We know from Gen Shandruk 's memoirs that on 10 May , the day after the division had been recorded by 6 Armoured Division as having surrendered near Volkermarkt , the two generals , Shandruk and Freytag , set off with a small group to reach the US Zone , leaving behind some 10,000 men under Col Krat .
7 He declined the offer of a lift home , wished me an interesting journey , and set off through a light Prague drizzle .
8 OOam on a crisp Spring morning , 2O staff from Wallington set off on a 46 mile sponsored bike ride from Wallington to Brighton .
9 Girls Venture Corps Members of the Downham Market Unit set off on a 100 mile walk for Wings Appeal .
10 He was a scholar and for many years studied to learn the ways of dragons ; he was proud but not stupid , and he learned all that the books could teach him , and then he set off on a long journey and captured two baby dragons and brought them home as pets .
11 He set off on a long rambling account of something that had happened in the bar that afternoon .
12 The boatman scampered across to the opposite gunwale , turned the boat , turned it again and set off on a long glide which took them close in along the bridge .
13 Left-winger Darren Junee brilliantly slipped round his marker , James Reynolds , just before half-time and set off on a jinking run down the left wing .
14 After lunch , either from members ' own nosebags or from the Museum café , we reboarded our coach and set off on a magical mystery tour in search of Butterley and the M.R.C. It is quite fun ‘ turning round ’ on a fairly busy main road in a large coach !
15 Phil Leigh set off on a mazy run , negotiating numerous tackles before crossing from the byeline to Wagstaff who found the net .
16 But where they and the study immediately differed was where , as , group finance director at John Menzies , said , it ‘ set off on a diverging track ’ from what they perceive is already best practice albeit only among the major companies .
17 Last July Aileen Penn and her family set off on a sponsored marathon round of golf that was destined to criss-cross the country and take them on a 1,000 mile bicycle ride .
18 DURING my time in Germany ( 1984-88 ) the British Ambassadors in Bonn and East Berlin would twice a year set off on an official tour , once in his territory and once in mine , to gather impressions about the relationship between the two parts of the divided German nation and how it might develop .
19 He turned randomly at right angles , and set off at a lolloping run .
20 Exuberantly believing that he alone was responsible for the separation and still moved by a powerfully purifying sense of goodness and rightness , Hope paid his modest bill the next morning , left a parting note for George , checked himself from asking to see Mary , promised — though he lied — to return and set off at a tremendous pace for Hause Point .
21 And she turned away , Midnight 's shoes striking sparks in the darkness , and set off at a fast trot in the direction of Sam Sylvester 's semi-detached in Acacia Avenue .
22 He set off at a fast lope , leaving her amazed that he still had enough energy to move so quickly , but also puzzled .
23 He set off at a brisk pace for the lower station of the funicolare by Piazza Amedeo .
24 He set off at a brisk walk .
25 Morrell 's race plan was upset when Gerry McCann , from the local Glasgow University club , set off at a suicidal pace .
26 ‘ Best be movin , ’ he said and they swung open the gate and set off at a jaunty pace back up the lane towards the main road .
27 While the creature sought height for another sweep Hrun scrambled to his feet and set off at a dead run for the woods at the edge of the arena .
28 West Indies soon lost Haynes , but Richards , on his home ground , and Greenidge set off at an explosive pace with 45 off the first seven overs .
29 In the following year the Beaux-Arts style emerged at its most majestic in Washington , DC , containing some of the most powerful , overpowering indeed , spaces of any station , and set off in a great park-like setting .
30 Wilcox set off in a straight line , indifferent to the snow that covered his thin black shoes and clung to his trouser bottoms .
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