Example sentences of "played an important part in " in BNC.

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31 In Japan and South Korea , and in some sectors in Taiwan , government played an important part in accelerating industrialisation and developing exports .
32 It is interesting to learn that Escoffier played an important part in the creation of the canned tomato industry .
33 Tunnelling played an important part in the early history of quantum mechanics .
34 This and other traditions were swept away during Darwin 's regime and Minton played an important part in introducing change .
35 Moreover , their ability to make sense of the workers ' predicament and articulate their grievances played an important part in mobilizing less sophisticated ranks .
36 The nobility were a real force ; they played an important part in local government and took a lead in the resistance to Napoleon .
37 During the heyday of the Ottoman rule in Europe the Bosnian Muslims played an important part in the administration of the empire , one of them , Mehmet Sokolović , rising to be grand vizier to the sultan , Suleiman the Magnificent , in the sixteenth century .
38 Foreign trade played an important part in the Slovene economy , Italy and the German states being important trading partners .
39 Ragusa , in common with Venice and Genoa , played an important part in the transportation of spices from the Middle and Far East to southern and western Europe .
40 The BDDA played an important part in the fulfilment of the last objective by subsidising the Deaf Welfare Examination Board for many years .
41 Einstein was almost singlehandedly responsible for general relativity , and he played an important part in the development of quantum mechanics .
42 There is a sense in which all grieving is for ourselves , so whether or not we loved the lost one can be irrelevant : all that matters is that they played an important part in our lives .
43 The issue played an important part in the recent and well publicised Barlow Clowes affair , and resulted in the case .
44 Mossad , together with the CIA , played an important part in the creation of SAVAK in the mid-fifties .
45 These Scudéry-influenced romances played an important part in the genesis of the English novel .
46 The matter played an important part in the subsequent abolition of the death penalty in Britain .
47 That service played an important part in the economy of China , providing the government with its most reliable source of revenue and underwriting the large foreign loans upon which it was dependent .
48 An educated and cultivated gentleman , Bell 's travels played an important part in the formation of his taste , both as a connoisseur of paintings and as an architect .
49 Elsynge played an important part in the codification of the procedure of the House of Lords and in the development and preservation of its records .
50 He played an important part in the development of iron structures , in 1795 recommending the use of iron for the Pontcysyllte aqueduct on the Ellesmere canal , completed in 1805 .
51 It was after the Revolution that Gould first came to prominence when he became one of the largest suppliers of hemp , pitch , and tar to the Royal Navy ; and in this capacity , immediately before the War of the Spanish Succession , he played an important part in providing the navy with Russian hemp from Archangel in place of the supplies that could no longer be obtained from Riga ( beleaguered by the Russians ) .
52 In Oxford he played an important part in establishing the new physiological sciences final honours school , in which endocrinology was one of the options .
53 He repeated and extended Pasteur 's work on micro-organisms , ‘ our invisible friends and foes ’ , and played an important part in getting the germ theory of disease accepted in Britain ; and this led to an interest in the particles suspended in the atmosphere especially that of Victorian London , but also in more salubrious places .
54 In the middle years of the century , the American government sent expeditions to explore the western territories and plot possible routes for the Pacific Railroad ; a division of the Army , called the Topographical Engineers , played an important part in these surveys , which were then sumptuously published by the Congress .
55 Belgian industry and capital played an important part in developing the railways of France and Russia .
56 It played an important part in attracting investment from Digital UK Ltd , Sun Microsystems Ltd and Motorola , which is expected to create 3,000 jobs .
57 The reduction in the growth of National Income played an important part in raising the ratio in the early 1980s ; both directly , by restricting the denominator , and indirectly , by causing unplanned increases in expenditure on social security .
58 In his ‘ Closing statement ’ Jakobson does not explicitly reject this view , which after all he played an important part in developing ; but speaking as a linguist he insists that the difference between poetic and non-poetic texts can be explained in purely linguistic terms .
59 At all events , the early history of societies reveals that war and conquest played an important part in the development of the state , not only by creating clearly defined dominant groups , but also by enlarging the scale of society , hence stimulating both a greater internal differentiation of functions , and the growth of a centralized apparatus of government and administration .
60 Routine played an important part in Eliot 's life .
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