Example sentences of "included [noun pl] of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Other observations included meetings of the Project Coordinating Team , the Inservice Panel , a number of inservice events , trips to library suppliers and book exhibitions at the County Library Headquarters .
2 Suggested areas for consideration included aspects of the school environment , communication , responsibilities and achievements , priorities and improvements .
3 Five of the schemes included practicals of the APU type , which like APU , vary in the amount of handling of equipment involved .
4 Other elements of the agreement included reforms of the judiciary and the electoral system , extensive human rights safeguards , economic and social issues including agrarian reforms , and the resettlement of peasants .
5 ‘ And the signals included details of the crime committed at Radnor Walk ? ’
6 This included details of the information needed by each level of analysis , and the additional information produced by that level .
7 They included members of a Mafia clan from Corleone in Sicily — the birthplace of fictional Godfather Don Corleone who was played in films by Marlon Brando .
8 Amongst those who lost their lives were 143 Germans and Austrians and 470 Italians , but the total number of casualties , which included members of the crew and some British troops , was not revealed .
9 Victims included members of the Council of Indigenous Communities-We Are All Equal ( CERJ ) and the Mutual Support Group ( Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo — GAM ) .
10 The GAT included members of the government , of UNITA and of the UN Angola Verification Mission .
11 It included members of the opposition Union for Democratic Renewal ( URD ) and the Congolese Labour Party ( PTC ) as well as Lissouba 's Pan-African Union for Social Democracy ( UPADS ) .
12 Despite the refusal of supporters of Zafy to participate in the new unity government , Razamasy said that it included members of the Movement for Proletarian Power ( MFM ) and the Front for the Defence of Malagasy Socialism ( MMSM ) .
13 It was underwritten by twenty-two financiers who included governors of the Bank of England , East India Company and South Sea Company .
14 As was often the practice , the paintings included portraits of the noble and his family .
15 There were only four such murder cases ( discounting the M4 Rapist case , which we consider separately ) where there was more than three days ' coverage or where more than five newspapers included reports of the search .
16 All the documented cases were from the Sinhalese-majority south and centre , and included victims of the security forces and the Sinhalese guerrilla JVP group .
17 Another round of talks was held in Roatán on July 9 , 1990 ; on both occasions the Belizean delegation included representatives of the government and of the opposition UDP .
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