Example sentences of "spent quite a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've had the opportunity to observe other social strata recently having spent quite a bit of time in London .
2 ‘ I 'd spent quite a bit of time then visiting district nurses and accident and emergency departments which gave me a real insight into the health service and an understanding of the commitment there was around , ’ Cruickshank said .
3 Yes er we 're going to the drugs squad Dave and I the launch of a new hotline which is where people can report dealers , a little bit sceptical about its success but we 've spent quite a lot on posters and business cards .
4 The Foreign Secretary said : ‘ My right honourable friend knows that I have spent quite a lot of time in the last four years as Home Secretary , with his full support , trying to plug loopholes , trying to keep our immigration control strict and fair .
5 Now er on the air at five o'clock mister Tim with drive at five and the early evening sequence , and we 're gon na chat to him in the next thirty minutes because he 's been out shopping today and he 's spent quite a lot of money on some brand new clothes .
6 Meanwhile , back in Austria , where I have spent quite a lot of time , the school kids are very confident and self-assured .
7 I , I mean Dave , I 've spent quite a lot of my time slagging him off but to his face I 'm really nice .
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