Example sentences of "limited number of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Only market failure can justify vertical integration , for example where F is one of a limited number of sources of a critical supply , or where the supplier-customer relationship requires trust and secrecy which can not be secured at arm 's length .
2 Most LEAs are engaging in programmes of governor training , this is often aimed at a limited number of governors on the assumption that this will cascade through to the remainder .
3 Our Canadian housing business continues to rely on a limited number of sites for its housing activity and Millcroft and Creditview subdivisions were the main sources of that activity in the later months of the year .
4 There are , in fact only a limited number of sites in the world with sufficient tide range to make such schemes cost effective .
5 The three dances by Gardano ( tracks 13–15 ) provide further proof of the Sienna organ builder 's skills , and of Marshall 's imaginative use of the apparently limited number of stops at his disposal .
6 Critical success factors are the limited number of areas in which results , if they are satisfactory , will ensure successful competitive performance .
7 Some small subsidies are still paid on non-profit-making routes , and companies such as Red Rover Buses of Aylesbury , Buckinghamshire , now operate a limited number of routes in local areas to meet local needs .
8 But the testers from the Driving Standards Association say they are only a limited number of roads in Henley suitable for three point turns , and there 's nothing they can do to stop instructors give their pupils a pre-test rehearsal .
9 Both he and Mickey Skinner have a limited number of appearances at Twickenham to look forward to and they will surely be anxious to go out on a high note .
10 Some of the courses include a limited number of visits to the theatre , and discussion of these productions will be included in the overall schedule .
11 It is true that there are a limited number of agreements between canoeists and landowners and other groups but these cover less than 0.5% of the total length of rivers in Britain .
12 It is only small because a very limited number of Conservatives on the back benches are not totally reliable on too many occasions .
13 Craigievar Castle too has special problems in that it is a tower house and can only take a limited number of visitors at any time .
14 Under our agreement with Waterloo University , where the accessing software , PAT , was developed , we are able to distribute only a limited number of copies of the tape for research purposes and we have nearly reached our ceiling .
15 A limited number of copies of the directory for the North West , North East , Midlands and East , South East , South West , Wales and Greater London [ £3.50 each inc p+p ] and for England and Wales as a whole [ £10.00 each inc p+p ] are available from Campaign for Bedsit Rights , 7 Whitechapel Road , London E1 1DU .
16 In response to your letter of 16 November 1992 , a limited number of copies of the Pentland Hills Regional Park Subject Local Plan are available for sale at a cost of £10 a copy .
17 Inner London bureaux are normally staffed by a small team of paid advice workers with perhaps one or two volunteers , opening for a limited number of hours to the public , whereas outer London bureaux are staffed largely by volunteers and are open for longer hours .
18 Multi-stage sampling helps to concentrate the work on a limited number of groups by sampling groups first before the individuals are reached .
19 WUS provides a limited number of scholarships in the United Kingdom , primarily for South Africans in exile , but it is also prepared to consider emergency applications from inside South Africa .
20 She reckoned that she could only take on board a limited number of surprises in any given period , and her quota for the year had just been reached .
21 For the age range 14 and under 17 , prosecution is only possible for a limited number of offences on the authority of a magistrate , and the extended care , protection and control procedure is used in most cases .
22 In any case , as John Bevan has pointed out , it would have been educationally unsound and probably physically impossible to have attempted , as at one time seemed possible , to concentrate all advanced further education provision in a limited number of institutions within the remit of a grants committee like NAB .
23 The writers of fabliaux commonly draw attention to themselves by naming themselves , signing their work at beginning or end , and they don a limited number of disguises as their narratorial personae — as in the case of Boivin de Provins described above .
24 At present the world depends for its platinum on refining copper nickel ores from a limited number of mines in Canada and southern Africa .
25 The limited number of urns per fabric may reflect , Russell suggest , a number of pottery-making occasions or different potters , perhaps even the maintenance of a clay-pit or different years of pottery-making .
26 A limited number of periods of contrast will make for brevity ; adequate periods can lead to long themes .
27 Studies undertaken to observe browsing in the shelf consultation show that the user handles a limited number of items in the process and ultimately selects but a few .
28 They require special skills for their effective performance and there are a limited number of individuals with the necessary ability to acquire such skills .
29 Sport becomes relegated to the peripheries , whereas , for many black kids , it retains centrality — not because the other areas are seen as worse risks , but because they are seen as less accessible , they believe there are only a limited number of entrances to the upper reaches of the employment world .
30 More significant is the fact that they are concentrated in a limited number of types of job .
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