Example sentences of "seem to [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Before we take on staff and work out our programme we must elucidate what seem to be the key concepts in my instructions to date : ‘ pitch ’ , ‘ goal ’ , and ‘ quality of life ’ .
2 He contends that these seem to be the only things which are really very good when imagined in isolation .
3 Of course long-term adjustment must be carried out as countries ' competitive positions change , but expenditure-reducing policies seem to be the only option for the authorities under a fixed exchange rate system .
4 We seem to be the only syndicate that 's involved in all three natural disasters .
5 Yet still they work in improving the mood from where it is now and still there may be no perception that the depressed mood and damaging consequences of use could possibly be the responsibility of the very substances and processes that seem to be the only things that can make life better .
6 The quinolones now seem to be the antimicrobial agents of choice for acute bacterial prostatitis .
7 Fragments of papyri from the second millennium BC seem to be the first writings to deal exclusively with the subject matter of dreams , mainly concerning themselves with incest and bestiality with various animals .
8 The chief exceptions seem to be the final two sections ( 24–5 ) , which in large part reformulate points already made , and a page-long discussion ( 21 ) of the relation between the drama and the music in Tristan , which , apart from passing references , is actually the only discussion of any Wagnerian work in BT .
9 What seem to be the earliest human figures on Geometric vases are less precisely geometrised than these , and later they fill out and loosen up a little ; but from beginning to end of the period they are thin silhouettes conceptually conceived .
10 For our purposes you just need to take any bit , either the beginning , the middle or the end , that seem to be the best bit , the interesting bit .
11 So far they seem to be the Spanish variety with the lovely English ones still to come .
12 The Labour party 's way of encouraging savings seem to be the ingenious one of putting extra taxes on it .
13 To sum up this chapter 's survey of what people believe about sleep and dreaming — what seem to be the self-evident truths — it must be admitted that there is very little consensus .
14 The critical factors seem to be the social-cognitive development of the child and type and extent of interaction offered by the caregivers .
15 On the one hand , the prolegs or gills develop from what seem to be the abdominal appendages of the polypod embryo ( Friedman , 1934 ) .
16 On the other hand , I have seen some country- made chairs where the ‘ rule of thumb ’ definitely took precedence over the ruler , and no two angles seem to be the same .
17 The laws of physics seem to be the same for particles and antiparticles .
18 And I seem to be the last person to have seen him . ’
19 Mains transformers seem to be the main cause of problems , and I suppose that when building power supplies you do so sometimes have to connect the transformer in an apparently illogical manner .
20 Clashes like this one , between individual knights or groups of knights , often seem to be the main ingredient of medieval war as described by contemporary chroniclers .
21 Generally , economic factors such as unemployment rates , trade and capital flows , seem to be the main determinants of labour mobility .
22 Bevan , Matthews , O'Donnell , Reiffel , Scuderi and Zoehrer seem to be the likely omissions from the final 14 if Bruce Reid is fit .
23 Believing that old certainties are ill suited to new times , Culpitt appears , like a number of other influential commentators — Klein and O'Higgins ( 1985 ) ; Goodin ( 1985 ) — to favour the development of more reflexive , less ‘ ideological ’ approaches to social policy ( ‘ unprincipled' , pragmatic forms of welfare pluralism seem to be the favoured option in this regard ) .
24 Tubs suit the bigger specimens best ; terracotta Provence pots and urns , the ones that are shatter-proof in frost , have a gorgeously warm look , and seem to be the natural home of this kind of shabby aromatic herb .
25 Briefly , though , the bases for systems of reckoning and measuring time in most languages seem to be the natural and prominent cycles of day and night , lunar months , seasons and years .
26 ‘ Boro may have lost a couple of home games , but we always seem to be the whipping boys who allow teams to regain their form . ’
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