Example sentences of "seem [prep] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 That is more than I can say about the Liberal Democrats , who seem to be headed for their own Westminster bunker en masse , or for Robin Cook , Clare Short , John Prescott or Chris Smith — all of whose views I would in normal times respect and follow with interest .
2 I am talking here about organized religion , and structured religious forms seem to be based on predominantly ‘ light ’ or ‘ dark ’ principles .
3 The views of both theorists seem to be based on the distinction between a law-governed nomocratic social order and a purpose-governed teleocractic order .
4 Indeed a number of recent centralised initiatives , such as TVEI , seem to be based on this premise , although , as Harland ( 1985 ) points out , compliance can not simply be bought with the allocation of resources .
5 Editor , — Stephen Brearley 's editorial agreeing with the Medical Manpower Standing Advisory Committee 's recommendations to increase annual intake of medical students by almost 500 a year and to increase total numbers of NHS doctors by 1000 a year ( 1% ) to 112000 by 2010 seem to be based on no reliable evidence .
6 Most of the figures that have been given for the projected growth of the presentation graphics market in this country , and Europe as a whole , seem to be based on the assumption that there will be a significant change towards the use of 35mm slides .
7 ‘ We seem to be lodged against some trees .
8 Whereas the consequences of tight inventory control seem to be accepted by the British consumer — the Marks & Spencer supermarket nearest our London office always seems to be out of chicken by mid-afternoon — it runs contrary to the habits of a typical American shopper , particularly one visiting a store that charges top dollar .
9 The criteria which seem to be applied by both the Court of Appeal and the House of Lords in deciding whether leave should be granted are ( Blom-Cooper and Drewry , 1972 ) :
10 Here again , higher primates in captivity seem to be motivated in the right general direction , but appear to need some element of learning to be able to focus the instinctual drive towards its goal .
11 Indeed , so profound and all-pervading is the modern resentment of authority , restraint and control in all its forms that even types of protest which seem to be motivated by the highest ideals of civilized behaviour and the most tender manifestations of conscience can be shown to originate in it .
12 The storms seem to be formed in the strangely disturbed band of atmosphere that lies athwart the equator between the two trade wind regions , and is known as the intertropical convergence zone .
13 Management of patients whose visits seem to be precipitated by depression , job loss , marriage break up , or other personal catastrophe may be much more complex .
14 On the other hand , materialists seem to be prevented by their materialism from allowing that there is any relevant fact that BS does not know .
15 Paul Malone has built up on paper one of the strongest squads in the league , but on the pitch they seem to be destroyed by lesser sides such as Ballyclare and Cliftonville .
16 In the gut , as in the skin , the properties of the stem cells seem to be maintained by their basal position .
17 Its contents seem to be lost to history , but one wonderfully inappropriate phrase survives : ‘ His Holiness the Imam and his Christian peace . ’
18 Often , we seem to be spoiled for choice and hampered , even paralysed , by our fear of the unknown .
19 But Everton 's midfield ( Horne , Beardsley , Beagrie , Warzycha , Kenny , Ebbrell , Preky ) and the strike force ( Cottee , Johnston , Rideout , Barlow ) seem to be manned on a rota basis in the hope that something comes up .
20 Yet decisions about the significance , for entry into higher education , of school-level achievement in public examinations are made all the time — and it is odd that they seem to be made without reference to CNAA , BTEC or the NCVQ .
21 The visitors seem to be made of sterner stuff .
22 Pessimistic early predictions seem to be confirmed by more recent data .
23 And some of its basic assumptions seem to be confirmed by casual observations of the problems which legislatures have in performing one of their traditional functions .
24 This is an important difference as physical abuse and neglect do seem to be associated with social , material and environmental stress and hence seem to be related to social class .
25 There are also several creatures which , while they seem to be related to the segmented worms , are rather more complex in structure and quite unlike any other animals that we know , living or fossil .
26 platelet activating factor precursors seem to be related to the calcium increase in gastric cells .
27 Fistulas after operation are a special problem of this operation and seem to be related to a failure to recognise Crohn 's disease , technical problems related to pouch construction and ileoanal anastomosis , or from secondary sepsis .
28 I hope therefore that however much the cards seem to be stacked against us , feminists will keep on about language .
29 Even the civilian academics at the college seem to be nullified by the overriding police desire for circumspection in the written account and the preference for academic silence .
30 Such units are sentence-like in that they are syntactically combined sequences of words but they seem to be stored in the mind ready for use as preformed unitary items , like words , already assembled for immediate access .
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