Example sentences of "seem [prep] be more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast to the UK , German industrial policies seem to be more consistent and to evolve from a strong , integrated network of organisations .
2 Third , because women 's and men 's lives are organized very differently in our society as a whole , women seem to be more available to provide any assistance which involves input of time and domestic labour .
3 Thus , ‘ the concept of the ruling institution ( or institutions ) and analysis of the rivalries between segments of the Soviet power structure seem to be more illuminating than references to horizontal divisions based on the unihierarchical model of authority ’ ( Hirazowicz 1980 , p. 112 ) .
4 I seem to be more nervous in that way than I once was .
5 Generally speaking , however , incomers seem to be more vociferous about the threat such housing presents to the peace and quiet of their area .
6 I would say early schizophrenia — the paranoid type that older people seem to be more susceptible to .
7 In developed and developing countries alike indigenous paraprofessionals seem to be more effective than professionals in working with certain clients and communities or at the very least they are seen as adding a valuable dimension to social service provision .
8 The patches seem to be more effective than other aids .
9 Evangelical and charismatic church seem to be more successful in bring adults to faith .
10 We seem to be more alert to that than many others ; hence our firm determination , which was re-emphasised by my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister this afternoon , to make subsidiarity work .
11 We seem to be more concerned with the job in hand , i e , our own team er er and not with the other teams , but if they 're struggling then do offer to give them help .
12 But , again , the women seem to be more forgiving : ‘ I think he 's quite sweet . ’
13 Oriental cats in general seem to be more likely to indulge — and Siamese cats in particular .
14 There may be a general tendency to exaggerate ; couples seem to be more willing to abandon expectations of a third child than they are to opt for a third child after stating an earlier preference for two .
15 The ‘ broken ’ colours of the Blenheim and tricolour seem to be more popular , and it is generally held that the ‘ whole colours ’ are the more active of the breed .
16 And and the visits seem to be more popular , and often quite a few careers officers will put their names down for that .
17 An important point to emerge out of the network model is that aspects of non-co-operation seem to be more common than prototypically co-operative behaviour from a reader 's perspective , at least as far as SF is concerned .
18 The intention is to use this information to throw light on why British companies seem to be more reluctant than their US counterparts to make use of such methods .
19 The wind speeds did not change appreciably from Voyager 1 to Voyager 2 , and certainly seem to be more constant than the small features from which the speeds were obtained .
20 Among young people , women seem to be more prone to it than men , while research shows that sufferers are generally of slim build and underweight .
21 Many are clinically factual and accurate , particularly small boys who seem to be more observant than most .
22 In general , period effects seem to be more important than used to be.supposed in determining fertility ( Brass 1974 ) .
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