Example sentences of "feel a [noun sg] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The next requirement is that subordinates must feel a sense of responsibility to achieve .
2 I do feel a sense of apathy . ’
3 Not only will you feel a sense of achievement but you will have re-educated your way of eating and the way you think about yourself .
4 Remember to try and feel a sense of poise , elegance and harmony flow over you as you perform them .
5 Partners and competitors of IBM Corp that have suffered at the company 's hands will feel a sense of schadenfreude that the company is brought so low , and will reflect on how right they were when they said back in the late 1970s and early 1980s that if the US Justice Department split the company up as it was then threatening to do , they would have four or six IBMs to compete with rather than just one .
6 The student will not feel a sense of guilt if she sits down to talk to an anxious patient .
7 Those who can not measure up to text-book success may feel a sense of guilt or failure .
8 Though Amiss was not entirely convinced that Trueman had been murdered , he did feel a sense of unease about the Admiral 's safety , so he was relieved to see that he seemed to be getting on rather better with his committee colleagues than the Sunday experiences had promised .
9 Both single people and married couples may feel a sense of frustration as the years in which they had planned to be more free to go out and about , and less restricted financially , are circumscribed by the demands of caring .
10 So they will also feel a sense of relief and release . ’
11 She says anyone who 's watched Morse would feel a sense of anti-climax .
12 Remember to try and feel a sense of beauty and slimness flow over you as you perform them .
13 Remember to try and feel a sense of grace and well being flow over you as you perform them .
14 In these scenes where characters attempt to break out of their proper medium , the audience or reader should feel a sense of impropriety or disorder , as if some basic law were being denied .
15 He could feel a sense of power and satisfaction , as though his whole life had been lived for this .
16 Employees may feel a sense of powerlessness in taking on a large organization or it may be that advisers are more reluctant to take on large organizations .
17 On an evening when he had broken the silence with one of his quietist cracks she would feel a sense of remorse and insufficiency descending on her , and hours later find herself in the larder , eating the remains of whatever was under the meat sieve and weeping that she should do something so self-defeating and stupid .
18 In a society in which achievement is highly valued , and where people compete for jobs in an apparently open market , people may feel a sense of failure if they admit they have ended up in a job with which they are dissatisfied .
19 Ex-schoolboy army cadets will feel a twinge of nostalgia on sight of an old 38 walkie-talkie set , which worked , in a loose manner of speaking , on batteries in the 7.3–8.9 MHz band .
20 She said she could feel a shard of genius enter her soul with my seed !
21 For the first time , Hank did not feel a pang of envy at his friend 's being already at work ; he felt he was doing better than any young policeman could hope to do .
22 Now it 's all over , you may feel a bit of rest and recuperation is in order .
23 By looking for faults in his behaviour , by constantly diminishing him with little criticisms — he neglected their boy ( at school in Randung ) , he was cold , he was selfish , he was an inadequate and clumsy lover ( did she dare ) , he never listened to other people , he had no sense of direction because he was always getting her lost in foreign capitals — she made him feel a kind of leper , different from and inferior to the run of men .
24 Lucien could feel a cloud of sleep stealing through his limbs .
25 Do let me feel a breath of air from the moors , just one breath ! ’
26 The patient said he could feel a surge of energy run through his body ‘ like a tingling sensation ’ .
27 I do feel a sort of jungly-atmosphere about this picture — although it does n't have a lot of green in it … the green bit … also has a mysterious quality .
28 Still hot with embarrassment and irritation , she could feel a sheen of sweat on her forehead .
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