Example sentences of "concern [prep] the [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 He could not believe that the attitude expressed in para ( a ) was helpful , although he agreed that there was great concern about the reduction in eligibility for legal aid .
2 Chinese thrift is more from necessity than idealism ; the world 's concern about the hole in the ozone layer is bad news to the billion Chinese about to acquire a refrigerator per household .
3 There is concern about the law in this area and I believe that the arguments on it are finely balanced .
4 He had plugged his new film , discussed his talented family , talked about his work in the theatre , and we had listened attentively while he outlined his search for spiritual enlightenment and concern about the problems in Tibet .
5 During the preparations for the switch from control by company boards and municipal electricity committees to control by the new national and regional authorities , there was both excitement and concern about the future in the industry .
6 Hong Kong : Receding concern about the situation in China was reflected in the market 's continuing strength , the Hang Seng index posting its fourth successive gain at 2,826.21 , up 23.04 .
7 In his address , televised live to nearly 60 countries , he also expressed concern about the situation in the Middle East and Liberia and gave thanks that the starving Somalis were finally receiving aid .
8 The results , he added , vindicated their members ' concern about the reductions in public transport .
9 Malcolm Watters , senior careers tutor , careers , said : ‘ There is considerable local and national concern about the drop in number of students applying to study physics at advanced level in sixth form colleges .
10 In a polemical critique of modern comprehensive school practice , for instance , David Hargreaves has expressed concern about the ways in which public examinations can come to dominate the process of teaching and learning in secondary schools .
11 Commenting that President Bush wanted to demonstrate " US concern for the situation in the Baltic states " , White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater said that the administration would give US$5,000,000 towards the cost of transporting medical supplies and equipment which had been donated by private companies .
12 All involved in the chain from installation to servicing , fully understand the design and function of plants and over the last decade an increasing awareness of the environment has concentrated concern for the situations in which people live , work and play .
13 Using this technique , Naisbitt traces the rise and decline of concern for the environment in the United States during the 1970s .
14 Such heightened public concern for the environment in 1969 ensured the emergence of the environment as a political issue .
15 The primary concern of the story in Numbers 20 is not with God 's supplying the water , but with Moses ' and Aaron 's disobedience or lack of faith , and their being barred from entering the Promised Land .
16 Thus , during these years , the overriding concern of the government in office was parliamentary survival and electoral prospects .
17 The concern of the prosecution in 1960 was with the corruption of public morals .
18 Armstrong provided Shilton with his one real concern of the evening in the 55th minute when he latched on to Byrne 's deft touch and tested the former England goalkeeper from 20 yards .
19 Manufacturer Wassall — where Hanson has an 8% stake — has launched a bid worth £98m for Evode and last night the main concern of the employees in Leicester , Birmingham and Stafford was their jobs .
20 It is the concern of the people in Hertfordshire following the woods only about three miles away , they now and many Hertfordshire residents , I 'm sure lots of people in this room use voluntary commission land where their , their on holiday .
21 The ADC found that all of the 83 district councils responding to the survey expressed concern with the way in which the Secretary of State was implementing the legislation .
22 In Freudian theory , there is a constant concern with the way in which entry into culture and human relationships , and the conflicts and struggle this causes , should be seen as constitutive of the human self .
23 The court has no concern with the manner in which Parliament or its officers carrying out its Standing Orders perform these functions .
24 On April 11 the chair of the Knesset immigration committee , Michael Kleiner , expressed concern over the fall in the number of Soviet Jewish immigrants arriving in Israel during the first quarter of 1991 .
25 ‘ I believe that if the Institute were to make one of its inspections , it would not find anything to give them cause for concern over the way in which we have conducted our professional work , ’ Ms Harris says .
26 Concern over the changes in lifestyle to undertake the job .
27 This widely publicised policy was intended to relieve public concern over the rise in violent crimes against persons and property committed by juveniles .
28 After the war , concern over the decline in thesis use led Tate in 1953 to propose that abstracts of theses , and other means of locating published dissertations , should be made available from a central bibliographic source .
29 The government expressed concern over the breakdown in public order in the Tropojë and Shkodër districts , due to shortages of food and energy .
30 Concern over the trade in wild plants has been heightened by the activities of Henry Azadehdel , who was jailed in Britain this year for smuggling orchids taken from the wild and imported without the proper permits .
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