Example sentences of "increase in [noun] ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He announced an increase in Members ' salaries from £400 to £600 .
2 I will never make an apology for increase in member 's allowances and resources to support members in training etcetera and the tools to do a good job , given the tools , give you the tools to do a good job .
3 Thus the development of the laws of war has consisted of an effort to maintain and affirm certain basic principles , while developing and refining their specific application to the changes in methods of warfare and the continual and horrific increase in humanity 's capacity to destroy itself .
4 There has , however , been some debate in modern times about the motivation which lay behind this huge increase in Rome 's power : was it the constant aggression of neighbouring states which prompted Rome to take protective measures , and thereby incidentally achieve this new position , or was Rome an imperialist power whose expansion was internally motivated ( for example , by land hunger or aristocratic avarice for glory ) ?
5 Pension funds face shortfall An increase in employers ' contributions can not be discounted , says DEBBIE HARRISON
6 The regular CBI surveys and the regular Department of Employment labour force survey show that over the 1980s — this is the answer to the hon. Member for Newport , East ( Mr. Hughes ) — there has been a consistent increase in employers ' commitment to training , even in this current recession .
7 The result — a 700 per cent increase in Devon 's winter climbing .
8 Friends noticed an increase in Minton 's drinking at this time .
9 It follows that , other things being equal , the average price level will rise if there is an increase in average wage earnings , an increase in the average cost of imported material inputs , an increase in firms ' profit margins or a decrease in the average productivity of labour .
10 The percentage increase in firms ' profit margins .
11 Since the argument between the two centres on how open each country 's market and regulatory climate are , an increase in Telecom 's ability to buy from US suppliers could be used as evidence of the openness of the UK market .
12 Given the demand for borrowing by customers and assuming no offsetting action by the central bank , this increase in bankers ' deposits may lead to an increase in the money supply .
13 An increase in GEC 's dominance in the market would cause damage to the UK defence industry .
14 We must be prepared for an ironic result — that the reduction of US military spending will lead to an increase in Japan 's defence spending .
15 Despite the impact of the discount rate rise , which caused the dollar to fall in value , concerns were expressed on the international markets that a weak yen and high rates of domestic investment would mean an increase in Japan 's export capacity which would detrimentally affect global trade balances .
16 From then on , with the visitors seemingly content to waste time at every opportunity in the hope of keeping the scoreline respectable , the expected increase in Scotland 's lead failed to materialise .
17 Sinn Fein 's increased vote will be a worrying factor for Sir Patrick , although this is somewhat balanced by an increase in Alliance 's poll .
18 Campaigners say the sudden increase in Martin 's bill is not unusual .
19 In practice it is difficult to predict the precise amount by which money supply will expand if there is an increase in banks ' liquidity .
20 Savage cost controls sparked a 24% increase in Powergen 's first-half operating profits to £98m .
21 Clearly , liberalisation is a crucial factor explaining both the rise in house prices and in wealth , and the increase in consumers ' spending , inflation and the balance of payments deficit .
22 However , the growth has not been matched by an increase in lessees ' sophistication .
23 This motivated dealers more than a previously introduced incentive to sell PEPS which had been merely an increase in dealers ' OTC takeback allowance .
24 This represented a significant increase in Gloucester 's power in the region , but not necessarily a corresponding decrease in royal authority .
25 This represented a significant increase in Gloucester 's power in the region , but not necessarily a corresponding decrease in royal authority .
26 It is usually the case that those things which best suit the Michels model are social movement organizations which have goals which can be ‘ compromised ’ because they are things — like an increase in workers ' standards of living or an improvement in working conditions — which are divisible .
27 The authors draw attention to the increase in fundholders ' referral rates to general surgery ( an 8.6% increase ) , but this should surely be interpreted in the light of the 17.0% increase in such referrals by non-fundholders ( table III ) .
28 On Jan. 25 Belgium announced that it was likely to withdraw its 25,000 troops based in West Germany and underlined its opposition to any further increase in NATO 's defence budget .
29 The idea was to plan for an increase in Berlin 's population to 1.5 million .
30 The imposition of 8 per cent VAT on domestic fuel and a 1 per cent increase in employees ' NI contribution to 10 per cent will come in from next April , with a further hefty rise in the fuel VAT rate to 17 per cent planned for 1995 .
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