Example sentences of "increase in [noun] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The poll , carried out by Ulster Marketing Surveys for the Birth Control Trust , also showed an increase in favour of abortion on a range of other grounds .
2 Without FGD , rapid growth in electricity use led to an uncontrolled increase in emissions of sulphur dioxide .
3 According to American projections , these actions will compensate for a 15 per cent increase in emissions of carbon .
4 The report 's assumptions are based on one of the " business as usual " scenarios from the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change : a doubling of the world population , an increase in emissions of carbon dioxide by 180 per cent and a global temperature rise of 2.5 degrees centigrade by the end of the next century [ see ED 57 , 59/60 ] .
5 Diets have changed with a modest increase in consumption of cereals and brown bread and a marked fall in the amount of high fat foods and butter eaten .
6 There was a sharp increase in acts of violence by youths , especially football hooligans , and in neo-Nazi and racist attacks , particularly in Dresden , Leipzig and Berlin [ see pp. 38164 ; 38298 ] .
7 it is increasing the price in line the increase in cost of milk
8 This results in an export of capital from the UK of K1-K2 , corresponding to the capital stock increase in Germany of K3-K4 .
9 The latter might well have suffered from an increase in continentality of climate following regression , but it has not unreasonably been assumed by most palaeontologists that a planktonic group such as the globigerinid foraminifera should have been indifferent to what was happening to epicontinental seas .
10 N face of a massive increase in imports of urea from the Eastern bloc in 1986 , the UK and the European Community ( EC ) fertilizer industries complained of unfair competition to the EC Commission .
11 Fluctuations occurred throughout the year : the deficit in May was $10,200 million , an increase of 23.6 per cent over April due to an increase in imports of oil and industrial equipment and to the effect on exports of the rise in value of the dollar ; in July and September the deficits fell to a five-year low due to a decline in the purchase of foreign machinery and consumer goods , and to an increase in aircraft exports .
12 Figures released for 1990 show , for the first time since the second world war , a very slight increase in Church of England membership , as well as an increase in those accepted for ordination .
13 An increase in transfer of power from the state to local government would also make institutions more accountable .
14 Top civil servants , including judges , are to be awarded a four per cent pay increase in spite of recommendations they should get at least twenty percent .
15 However , the overall increase in affinity of RNA polymerase for the gal P1 promoter due to CRP binding is roughly the same whether those sequences are present or absent .
16 Still , such evaluation is important because , for example , if the incidence of cardiovascular complications of hypertension is 5/1000/year and if a drug reduces risk by 30% ( that is , by 1.5/1000/year ) then with an increase in cases of cancer of just 2/1000/year a particular drug could do more harm than good .
17 Meanwhile , it was reported on April 11 that the World Health Organization ( WHO ) had launched an appeal for US$4,100,000 to finance a three-month emergency health plan amidst reports that there had been a marked increase in cases of lung and chest diseases resulting from oil fire pollution [ p. 38119 ] .
18 Despite this diversion the board grew significantly showing an overall increase in income of 20% this year .
19 In conclusion , we have shown an increase in absorption of PEG 600 molecules after deposition in the colon of patients with active ulcerative colitis .
20 However , there are doubts about the Treasury 's willingness to fund a large increase in Ministry of Agriculture spending .
21 There has been a marked increase in reports of deaths as a result of torture in Turkish police stations .
22 great increase in size of incisors relative to molar size ;
23 In October , the Lord Chancellor and the four judges issued a joint statement which rejected the application of the CPS/GLS for any immediate increase in rights of audience but rather than approve the Bar 's rule indefinitely invited the Bar to consider time limiting the rule restricting rights of audience of employed barristers against a deadline of November 1994 .
24 The increase in synthesis of LTB 4 seen in patients taking NSAIDs remained significant when the subgroups who were Helicobacter pylori positive or negative were analysed separately .
25 An initial increase in deposits of £10 billion allowed total deposits to rise by £100 billion .
26 In the Rio Negro region , there is a large increase in leachate of potassium , magnesium and nitrate in the first 2 years after burning , but , by the fifth year , it is not significantly different from those in undisturbed forest , when the general nutrient levels are similar to those in mature forest .
27 Additional targets set by Minister for Social Security Peter Lilley include : the identification of at least 40,000 extra self-employed people who should be registered ; a £12m increase in returns from identified Class 1 NI underpayments ; a £13.3m increase in payments of arrears ; and efficiency savings of £2.6m. 95% of customers can also expect a response to their enquiries within 10 working days .
28 They also caused a dose dependent increase in activity of histamine sensitive gastric adenylate cyclase in guinea pig gastric mucosa .
29 The suggested increase in prevalence of morbidity with age is based in this case upon cross-sectional data .
30 An increase in prevalence of use was seen in all age groups , and the age of users had shifted towards older age .
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