Example sentences of "application of [noun sg] to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless … mathematics at all levels should include possibilities for exposition by the teacher , discussion between teacher and pupils and between the pupils themselves , appropriate practical work , consideration and practice of fundamental skills and fortunes , problem solving including application of Mathematics to everyday situations , investigational work .
2 problem solving , including the application of mathematics to everyday situations ;
3 It pointed to a future in which the hitherto limiting relationship of water transport to the economy could be inverted : now waterways could be brought to favourable sites : " The controlled application of water to industrial and commercial purposes was indeed the basic and most potent technology in Britain 's early economic advancement . "
4 A rough distinction can be made between , on the one hand , the systematic branches of geography ( economic , social , political and demographic ) which are concerned with the detailed study of subsystems at increasing levels of complexity and , on the other hand , the application of geography to real-world problems .
5 The application of technology to managerial systems provides the basis for creating the many possible NFP structures .
6 This application of technology to domestic systems of commodity production was to have a profound effect on the old feudal merchant and artisan classes and lead , eventually , to their challenging the dominance of the landowning class .
7 There is a great deal of man 's inhumanity to man as evinced in the use of torture on political prisoners or the application of apartheid to other races .
8 A consequence of this accommodation was , as Layton puts it , that ‘ the application of science to everyday life had ( by the 1870s ) disappeared … the learner [ of course only those learners who experienced any science teaching at all — M.Y . ]
9 This state of human ability was reached centuries ago , but the power of the hierarchy was such that it made the application of reason to religious belief heretical and punishable , and has successfully delayed its application even into this late twentieth century .
10 The real originality of the structuralist application of Saussure to literary studies is not in the analysis of particular works , but in its elaboration of poetics as a general science of literature .
11 Here we compare gluR localization in normally innervated , aneural and aberrantly innervated muscle 6 by localized application of L-glutamate to discrete regions of the muscle surface .
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