Example sentences of "exactly what [pron] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The overall incidence profile is exactly what we expected to see .
2 As one of the leaders commented , this day 's trek was exactly what we had come to the jungle for .
3 That 's exactly what we heard saying , we 're bombing civilians to take out the control and command structure .
4 ( ii ) We were trying to find out exactly what we needed to assume in order to prove 1.2.2 .
5 ‘ Yes , that 's very welcome , ’ she agreed , quietly sipping a tall glass of orange as Ben explained to both her and Ross exactly what they 'd told the twins so far .
6 These tests established exactly what they had done before ; namely that I did indeed have an exceptionally accurate visual memory .
7 The women say that 's exactly what they hoped to achieve .
8 The women say that 's exactly what they hoped to achieve .
9 They were doing in that shop exactly what they intended to do and in all probability , what they intended to do from the moment they got up that morning .
10 But that was exactly what they did want , a whole album .
11 He still has a still has a few technical problems with his speeches , his voice is very thin , he falls away at the end of sentences and when he rises to a crescendo his voice is like the distance whine of an aeroplane engine but what he said was exactly what they wanted to hear a return to family life and strong law and order .
12 She tried hard to think back and remember exactly what she 'd said that first night in Jarman House .
13 Those books Thérèse read too but pretended she did n't because then she 'd have to go to confession about them and spell out exactly what she 'd thought .
14 It was not even easy to remember exactly what she had said , so lightly had she said it , that had offended her sister .
15 There were other words , harsh , angry bitter words , but later Katherine could never remember exactly what she had said , nor could she recall her son 's replies .
16 He stood at the bottom of the steps and looked up at her so fiercely that she stopped halfway down and felt quite uneasy , wondering exactly what she had done wrong .
17 It seemed very important just then to remember exactly what she had felt for Anthony at the beginning .
18 She told him exactly what she had told the police .
19 That was exactly what she had thought .
20 That was exactly what she had thought .
21 ‘ It 's not too late to inform the police , ’ put in Charlotte , pausing to study the other two's reactions and finding them to be exactly what she had expected .
22 At some unconscious level that was exactly what she had expected six months earlier — to step off the plane and see the man of her dreams waiting for her on the tarmac .
23 Polly laid her palms against the strong hard face she loved so much , knowing exactly what she wanted to do with the rest of her life .
24 She knew exactly what she wanted to happen now ; she wanted him to hold her , tell her it was all right .
25 She knew exactly what she wanted to say but the words would n't come .
26 ‘ I would tell your mother exactly what she wanted to hear .
27 Oh , if only she knew exactly what she did want !
28 Very early on he knew exactly what he meant to do in art .
29 Angy had been stabbed in the throat and that 's exactly what he 'd done to her portrait … he was afraid that would all come out and everyone would think he 'd done it . ’
30 ‘ I do not live with you , ’ she snapped , which was , of course , exactly what he 'd wanted her to do , because he began to grin the second the angry disclaimer left her mouth .
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