Example sentences of "deal of the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In conclusion it should be noted that power already exists to utilise delegated legislation to go a good deal of the way along the road proposed by the Royal Commission .
2 So the , the groups are very important though , because the groups do a great deal of the work for Amnesty , cos Amnesty 's different from many organisations erm in that er , what the groups do , particularly the letter writing erm , helps to make the organisation work , it 's not just a matter of raising money , we do things to , to fund raise or two , er have a proper publicity erm , the le the letters we write for prisoners and helps Amnesty to do it 's work and not many other organisations operate like that .
3 Most furniture today is fairly low which means that a good deal of the furniture in your room is going to be exactly the same height .
4 Travelling through England it is at once apparent that a great deal of the settlement in the landscape is today not in the form of villages , nor was it for much of the past .
5 It can not be stressed too strongly that a great deal of the blame for unsatisfactory deeds must lie in the failure of the Scottish legal profession to provide itself with a service for new styles .
6 On this occasion , in fact , a reply of sorts did occur to me as I stood up there on the ladder ; a reply to the effect that those of our profession , although we did not see a great deal of the country in the sense of touring the countryside and visiting picturesque sites , did actually see more of England than most , placed as we were in houses where the greatest ladies and gentlemen of the land gathered .
7 If you have succeeded in fully engaging the sympathies of your readers you will probably have produced for them a main character who is something more than a stereotype , who has about him or her a good deal of the complexity of real life .
8 As a result the north-east corner of the island had become much more distinctly Protestant in population than the rest , though Protestant landlords owned property in a good deal of the rest of the island .
9 A great deal of the success for the show was due to its writers .
10 As we shall show in the later sections , a great deal of the activities of the fans can be understood as symbolic activities in the mode of metonymy .
11 Yet in Europe , as in the Pacific , a great deal of the art of amphibious warfare was learnt from these two operations .
12 As far as the provision of books , materials , tools and other educational facilities are concerned , a good deal of the cost of provision falls on families .
13 The suggestion that caused the fuss was a great deal of the DNA in mammalian cells , which does n't it first glance look particularly transposable , might have a similarly selfish character .
14 First , he makes a great deal of the struggle with Satan in which Jesus is involved both in the temptation in the wilderness into which the Spirit thrusts him ( Mark 1:12 ) immediately after his baptism ; and also in the healings and exorcisms which follow during the ministry .
15 A great deal of the discussion of such topic markers has been concerned with the sentence-internal organization of information as given ( or the topic ) vs. new ( or comment about the topic — see Gundel , 1977 for a review ) .
16 Commitments to matching finance are seldom adequately analyzed , and although the recipient governments may carry a good deal of the responsibility for this , donors are also at fault in assuming that the counter-part funds for their projects will have priority .
17 Since the majority of elderly people requiring help are women , then a great deal of the responsibility for looking after them will fall on women 's shoulders .
18 It is certainly true that a great deal of the competition between nationalists and unionists concerned the distribution of resources .
19 So far , a good deal of the efforts of such organisations have been understandably directed to the ‘ young ’ old , for example , in providing recreational and cultural facilities for Asians or Afro-Caribbeans .
20 Ahi sā , in its positive form , reflects a great deal of the teaching of the New Testament on love and it is not really surprising that Jesus should be referred to as one who manifested ahi sā in its perfect form .
21 Luch never actually gave him any news , but hidden in the bower she heard all the gossip of the maids , and Lady Marion 's occasional rages , and learned a great deal of the events in the castle .
22 Sceptics might feel that they betrayed a lack of informed thought on the issue of objectives ; and certainly a good deal of the time of the economic planners , the Treasury , the Ministry and the industry over the following decades was to be devoted to the search for more meaningful objectives and standards of performance to supplement these minimal statutory requirements .
23 Lamb had taken over the Northamptonshire leadership the previous season and had shown himself enthusiastic if inexperienced , but had then missed a good deal of the season through injury .
24 This was not quite ready when Mozart set off for Munich and so Mozart 's letters to his father , who acted as intermediary between him and the librettist , reveal a great deal of the process of writing .
25 Studies have indicated that the weight conscious , brainwashed by years of ‘ cut out those carbohydrates ’ advice , tend to avoid the bread and potatoes which supply a good deal of the fibre in most people 's diets .
26 As a result , a great deal of the research on foreign language learning focuses on the problems involved , and usually on the errors made by the students of the second language .
27 A great deal of the argument against central controls has stressed that local government has shown a greater ability to reduce spending than the departments of central government and even the Audit Commission — in the early 1980s — has acknowledged that the operation of central rules may actually have encouraged increased levels of spending and a reduction in the accuracy of information feeding into the centre ( Audit Commission , 1984 ) .
28 But in a way the nineteenth century was the century of history , because it was erm thought at that particular period of time that in order to understand what was going on in contemporary life , you had to have some historical appreciation , knowledge and perspective , and erm a great deal of the explanation of other subjects in the nineteenth century was , erm if you like , historical in character .
29 On one occasion he kicked at a fence which was enclosing a footpath , saying ' I have no respect for the Whigs , but I have a good deal of the Chartist in me' .
30 Wood is not a material which suffers fools gladly and a great deal of the trouble with wooden aeroplanes was due to wooden people .
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