Example sentences of "deal of [noun sg] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 In recent months a good deal of concern has been expressed about students no longer having access to benefits over the summer vacation .
2 A great deal of money has been spent conserving a block of less-than-distinguished Victorian slums and warehouses .
3 A good deal of money has been made tarting up riverside and bank top pubs to take account of the new ambiance and to cater to the non-industrial affluent .
4 All I do know is that we 're very conscious a great deal of money 's been spent by the Council and by the Trust to try and make the place outside more inviting those tubs been put there er they been planted etc there 's a lot of litter there we 've put litter bins there there 's taxi rank there there 's lot 's of things been put there I think the problem is it is n't the people who do that I mean it 's the people who actually do the litter and it 's quite clear that we do go out we do tidy up but it happens and it 's a case of balance of what we can do and what you ca n't do but we do work at it I can assure you .
5 A great deal of ink has been spilled over the nature of indirect duties , to which I will return in the next section .
6 In the course of the exercise a great deal of knowledge had been gained about EPH activities and associated problems , and various other changes were made as a result of the investigation .
7 Although a good deal of success has been achieved with regard to mapping vegetation ( Hathout , 1980 ) , there are still problems with resolution and cloud cover ( Allan , 1980 ) and although these are gradually being resolved by radar , the problem of more detailed and fine-grained interpretation will remain for the foreseeable future ( Deane , 1980 ) .
8 A great deal of progress has been made on equal rights .
9 A great deal of work has been done in attempts to get at the ‘ true ’ total of crimes committed .
10 A great deal of work has been done in academic and business schools on the track record of success of those who have diversified totally outside their own fields of experience .
11 ‘ Yes , a great deal of work has been done .
12 Over the last two decades a great deal of work has been published by historians on the subject of popular culture .
13 Although a great deal of work has been done in the historical demography of the developed world relatively little research has been carried out in relation to the corresponding ( i.e. pre-demographic transition ) period in the Third World .
14 Similar schemes have been drawn up for several mammalian groups , certain butterfly genera , various reptiles and amphibians while a good deal of work has been carried out on the distributions of the avifauna .
15 Yes , erm , a great deal of work has been done in the United States on this trend , in particular by juvenile fire setters as they refer to them .
16 A great deal of publicity has been given to CFCs , not just because they are destroying the stratospheric ozone layer but because many are extremely powerful heat trappers as well .
17 Indeed he agreed that a great deal of hypocrisy had been involved in what Macaulay had called one of the ‘ fits of morality ’ to which the British nation was periodically subject .
18 Unless there had been a general exodus of small proprietors , a good deal of land had been acquired by outsiders , possibly with a view to letting it to graziers .
19 In recent years , a great deal of emphasis has been placed on technological progress as a cause of structural unemployment .
20 A great deal of expertise has been built up over the years in the shipment of petrochemical cargoes all over the world , often in custom-built vessels .
21 Not only is it good value for money , it 's clear that a great deal of thought has been given to the virus problem and how to cure it .
22 A great deal of evidence has been given by all the associations concerned , and the Select Committee report was published in January 1989 .
23 A great deal of change has been seen in the power drill market over recent years : cordless models have become more popular , and there has also been a gradual move towards variable-speed percussion models , even by the occasional home improver .
24 A great deal of nonsense has been spoken and written in recent years concerning his lordship and the prominent role he came to play in great affairs , and some utterly ignorant reports have had it that he was motivated by egotism or else arrogance .
25 A great deal of confidence has been built up in this system and NASA regularly publish reports of incidents notified to them , though of course without any reference to the individuals involved .
26 It is common for such evidence to appear , but all too often only after a great deal of harm has been done .
27 A good deal of attention has been paid recently , for example by the Audit Commission ( 1989 ) , to the role of LEA advisers ( or , as they are increasingly being called , inspectors ) .
28 Similarly , a good deal of attention has been directed to the important and topical issues of workers ' participation in enterprise decision-making , along with ‘ international ’ studies concerned with the operation and labour relations implications of multinational corporations .
29 The most easily quantifiable , if however the most elusive , value in these factors is money , and so not surprisingly a good deal of attention has been paid to this variable .
30 The drawing suggests how a great deal of attention has been paid to one area but other areas have been ignored .
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