Example sentences of "deal of [noun] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I find it difficult to understand how they are going to carry on experimental work at other depots that are n't really equipped to carry out experimental work , and so for that reason , I mean , there 's a great deal of concern that these cuts are n't rather more cosmetic that they 've been made out to be .
2 Jill Duffy is certainly highly involved with the state of her home and she does a great deal of housework that many other people would consider unnecessary .
3 Well I mean I do n't wan na put in er a great deal of money because most of it 's ploughed back into the business .
4 The old have to accept changes in patterns of living and cultural standards that they can not understand , and cope with rejection by the younger generations , as well as a good deal of sentimentality and shallow stereotyping in private and public references to themselves .
5 I 'm a Catholic parent and I have seen a great deal of correspondence and adverse publicity in the local and Catholic press about this new Religious Education programme ‘ Here I Am ’ .
6 There was a great deal of extra- or para-curricular activity .
7 At the end of the seventeenth century Celia Fiennes enthused that Chesterfield 's Saturday market was ‘ like some little faire , a great deal of corne and all sorts of ware and fowles ’ .
8 My recollection was that it was £250 for a great deal of work and endless consultations with courteous BBC representatives who were terrified by my refusal to produce a total text ( since I can only give plausibility to anything I say when there is at least an element extemporised ) and refused to accept my positive assurances that I was as unlikely to dry up as the Thames .
9 I was very tomboyish and my parents allowed me a great deal of freedom until that magic day came when I was supposed to become ‘ a little lady ’ .
10 Joanne and the other members of the team of teachers working with the intake year embarked on the new curriculum with a good deal of enthusiasm and more than a little apprehension .
11 To expand on that ; many girls would retain the values of civilisation and would want democracy and order and all that , as Ralph did , and eventually I am sure that a girl or girls would break away , causing a rift in the group , I think that the causes of the rift would be more trivial and the arguments more verbal and less brutally physical than the boys , but girls are capable of a great deal of spite and bitter unforgiveness and if more than one leader-figure emerges , they may later argue .
12 Exporting invariably requires a great deal of documentation and specialised pricing , a large part of which is now being handled by the new computer system .
13 Being the being I am , though , and no other ( not yet anyway ) , I wanted full brothel privileges , the old male deal of dough and careless choice .
14 Normally there is present a great deal of assurance and this finds expression usually in ways which are not too finely sensitive to the assurances of others .
15 On this basis I suggest that there remains a great deal of doubt that mild to moderate hypertension in elderly people should be treated .
16 It was important for Oreste 's sake to keep good relations and so with a good deal of lip-biting and general effort of control she finally wrote to her sister in most moderate terms expressing surprise , confessing intense distress , but apportioning no blame .
17 The upshot of this foray into the literature on beliefs in antiquity seems to be that there was a great deal of credulity and some scepticism , as well as some wonderfully entertaining stories .
18 The mix of keening voices , dreamy storylines and unusual , far-off sounds brings to mind The Band when they were on a roll , and David Hidalgo in particular sounds like he 's done his best ever work — conjuring up old ghosts and loser friends and working up a deal of sadness and unique moods from familiar instruments .
19 Once the summer residence of landed gentry , it has now been restructured and renovated , with a good deal of taste and great respect for the original building 's style , ambience and decor .
20 Although the process is powerful it is by no means easy to use because it requires a very great deal of imagination and conceptual skill .
21 In the same year as Jacobson published his experiments , a ‘ failure to replicate , report signed by twenty-three authors appeared in the major journal , Science , and the matter might have rested there but for the fact that it was noticed that the method which Jacobson had used to extract RNA from his rat brains also liberated a good deal of protein and other contaminants .
22 A great deal of jargon and many technical terms are used by archaeologists , and they can make excavation reports fairly incomprehensible .
23 I do n't think the theatre 's ever been endowed with a great deal of fundings but one or two companies in the town that have been prepared to fund obviously the one that strikes me is Gilbey 's cos the Gilbey bar I mean that was funded and like they 've been over the years they have given money even fact as a sad note cos Gilbey 's have actually demised now erm General Portfolio have actually taken on the role in Harlow of funding many things if you actually look all most things that have sponsored until recently have been sponsored by General Portfolio so they 've been to the fore in er fundering funding .
24 This provision has caused a great deal of controversy since different countries have classified certain jobs as public functions , which they may not be in other countries , and this domestic classification has been used as a bar to foreign nationals applying for those jobs .
25 Many of the provisions go into a great deal of detail and lengthy procedures are often included .
26 There is a great deal of suspicion that these may simply b.e the products of biological contamination after the meteorites have landed ; but , if this is not the case , it would seem that life is likely to be rife throughout the Universe .
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