Example sentences of "deal [prep] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Basically , it was a good business deal for the Minister of Education who had shares in the Japanese company which sold the television equipment .
2 At the same time , Britain concluded a series of major contracts with Bucharest , including a deal for the supply of Rolls Royce engines for a locally-produced fighter aircraft .
3 Viktor Gerashchenko , the bank 's chairman , has described this deal as a trap for the government to show it will not be able to live with constraints on the money supply .
4 The move is bad news for the future of the 88000 , which saw the deal as the guarantee of its future .
5 They have ruled out Deal as the site of a second safe house and inquiries are now focused on Dover and Kent villages .
6 A DISPUTE over a share transfer deal between the owner of Rangers Football Club , David Murray , and the club 's former vice-chairman , Jack Gillespie , remained unresolved yesterday after the first leg of a courtroom clash .
7 Pearson last week agreed to buy Thames Television in a deal worth a total of approximately £99m .
8 ‘ Camilla believes that you can tell a great deal about a nation by its lavatory habits . ’
9 To till properly , you must know a great deal about every bit of your land — you will find variations between different parts of even one small field — soil texture , structure , acidity , drainage , and history must all be considered ; as must the significance of the life within the soil and its relationship to fertility .
10 Elegant and closely-analyzed work has shown that , formed by photolysis of , probably contains a semi-bridging carbonyl group ; in the complicated photolysis of , it has been possible to deduce a great deal about the forms of the intermediate and about the photochemical processes by which it is formed and reacts .
11 Further , the data can be used to reveal a good deal about the composition of households — who lived with whom — but far less about the character and quality of relationships which people had with each other ( Laslett , 1972a , p. 1 ; Anderson , 1980 , pp. 36–7 ) .
12 The history and practice of press coverage of religion will tell us a great deal about the significance of the phenomenon of religion in contemporary social , political and cultural life , ’ he said .
13 I know a great deal about the difficulty of getting homoeopathic treatments referred by general practitioners because there is a homoeopathic hospital in my constituency .
14 The second five are more difficult , but probably say a great deal about the style of management you worked under , and the quality of relationships you had with colleagues and peers .
15 I do n't know a great deal about the sorcerers of the Future , ’ said Calatin , who actually knew nothing at all about them , but thought it would sound unprofessional to admit this , ‘ but I do n't think we should rely on them .
16 From the Chansons and from the provençal lays of the troubadours , we learn a great deal about the aspirations of society of this age .
17 Hence debates had an antiquarian tone : little was heard of the rights of man , a great deal about the rights of the crown of Aragon , of the Councils of Toledo and Leon , of the Goths as founders of liberty .
18 Since the whole process took only a few seconds for each blank and the woman was working full-time it could not be denied that this woman knew , from her own sensory experience , a great deal about the making of magnets .
19 The discovery that someone knows a great deal about the effects of drugs and has strong opinions or whether or not a particular drug or process is or is not addictive is a strong positive indicator of addictive disease .
20 Nick , who had feared a torridly emotional hour or so was relieved by this ; grateful , he had shared half a bottle of brandy with Martin and told him a great deal about the behaviour of adolescents in certain African tribes , a safe subject , and one he was apt to enlarge on when drunk .
21 Likewise in archaeology AMS has enabled us to date samples as minute as individual seeds , which can tell us a great deal about the origins of agriculture and the domestication of cereals .
22 Another important case , which reveals a good deal about the workings of the legislation , is R v Hampshire County Council ex parte J .
23 We have heard a great deal about the upheavals in Eastern Europe in recent months .
24 I do n't think I was told a great deal about the facts of life .
25 Yet we actually know a good deal about the characteristics of good care …
26 These are ‘ novels squared , novels of novels ’ , a formula which tells us little about the actual narrative rendition of the works in question , but a great deal about the unhappiness of the critic .
27 These samples can tell us a great deal about the health of the patients .
28 The gap is narrowed considerably when the comparison is with assembly-line workers , a comparison which reveals a great deal about the nature of housework .
29 I learned a good deal about the role of food and drink as a socio-economic indicator .
30 Keith Nettle talked a great deal about the underfunding of the teaching of literature .
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