Example sentences of "to look [adv] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But in general it was good for mankind to look outward to the stars .
2 In supporting this document I believe that we have to look realistically to the future and recognize that one general union would benefit trade union members in the U K far better than continuing to be in competition .
3 Subjects were asked to look either to the left or to the right while choosing the odd one out from among three Hebrew words .
4 There can be no doubt that if Britain wants to look forward to a level of economic health even approaching that to which it has grown accustomed over the past 50 years , it must back Alvey 's proposals .
5 As the Bristol teams , and others who may build on their examples , move forward in their research and their care for families , we can begin to look forward to a time when the tragedy of loss and anguish faced by famous people like Anne Diamond and Julie Walters , and thousands of other ordinary everyday people , may become a thing of the past .
6 SCHOOLBOY Neil Aspden has put the horrors of a vicious assault behind him to look forward to a Christmas of a lifetime .
7 He wrote under the pen-name ‘ Jayemdoubleyou ’ and his reports were something to look forward to every Friday .
8 She had come to look forward to the intervals between tenants , for at such times she would sit at the bedroom window that overlooked the street , which sloped swiftly to the main thoroughfare ; and guided by the landmarks of St Dominic 's church and , beyond that , St Ann 's , she could look over the chimney pots and catch a glimpse of the river gleaming between the busy traffic on it .
9 He passed Responsions that June and began to look forward to the payments he would get for his journalism — especially for his ‘ prose poems ’ in the Speaker .
10 We 're now beginning to look forward to the return home , which is little more than 5 weeks distant .
11 Not given to self-pity , he heaved the problem out of his mind and tried to look forward to the challenges of tomorrow , but weariness overtook him and he retired to the shed and his mothy sleeping bag .
12 I 'm beginning to look forward to the rest of the party .
13 ( Even the gelada heir-apparent phenomenon , when it exists , can not get away from this , any more than the human heir-apparent can fail to look forward to the demise of his patron who , to this extent , is also his rival . )
14 I had every reason to look forward to the August Bank Holiday weekend of 1988 .
15 I used to look forward to the Sundays I spent with Irina and Bill .
16 I do n't like to use food that is out of season and prefer to look forward to the summer strawberries and autumn game .
17 It 's taken me four years to get to the point where I can live without you , start to look forward to the future , and you 're not going to take that away from me .
18 We are , however , well positioned to take advantage of any opportunities that might arise to develop our various businesses during the coming year and can continue to look forward to the future with some confidence .
19 To reflect on that match and to look forward to the Oxfordshire Cup Final between Henley and Oxford , Adam Hollingworth is joined by Ray Tapper , the Oxford coach , and Nigel Dudding , the Henley club captain .
20 ‘ You have to look ahead to the time when you leave football , and I wanted to prepare for a life in sport and leisure management , ’ he said .
21 To look backward to the time when first the morning stars sang together ! ’
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