Example sentences of "original [noun] have been [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the original intention had been to formally assess the new curriculum before deciding to extend it to the rest of the school , various forces came into play to ensure that by 1987 the entire 160 strong intake was studying the new pathway course .
2 The original intention had been for the Quins players , seven of whom were in England 's Grand Slam squad , to have Easter off .
3 The original intention had been for the expedition to sail on 10 February but the usual bad weather made this impossible and Ormonde became progressively more reluctant to leave , suspecting that all hope of surprise had now been lost .
4 The original plan had been for a rapid take-over of military and political control in Madrid , accompanied by risings in the other main cities and the convergence on the capital of detachments from the provinces to consolidate the coup and force the transfer of power .
5 The Court of Session heard that the original plan had been for the Deanses to use their 57 per cent shareholding to remove four directors — Wilson Young , James Johnston , Alastair McKenzie and Clive Scott .
6 Our original plan had been to film on Lake Karakul , 50 miles to the north-west .
7 The original proposal had been for PR in the cities but this was opposed by Unionists who were concerned to protect the efficacy of the business vote ; Central Office also opposed the alternative vote when it was put forward in the debates , and the majority of Unionist MPs and the National Union never backed either system .
8 The railway had come from Belfast in 1842 , the original station having been at Seagoe and some will still recall the old sidings which used to be near the signal-box there .
9 Whereas the original demand had been for actual ships , the Crown began in the 1590s to ask for money instead .
10 These ranged from switching to Highers in non-science subjects when the original intention had been SCE/GCE science to a degree in building and surveying when the original application had been for a place on an access course in science and technology .
11 The original answer had been from a woman and the French had baffled her .
12 The original cross had been in place since the fifteenth century , but finally fell victim to the elements .
13 George Fox 's original appeal had been to the poor , but soon the Friends were led by the ‘ respectable classes ’ in the same manner as the other early denominations .
14 Well what would the original Gaelic have been for that ?
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