Example sentences of "p. [num] [prep] [noun sg] on " in BNC.

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1 [ See p. 37138 for this Aden meeting and publication on Dec. 1 of a draft joint constitution , requiring ratification by both parliaments within six months , and then endorsement by referendum after a further six months ; see p. 37266 for progress on unity in February 1990 . ]
2 The independence of the Republics of Estonia , Latvia and Lithuania was recognised by the Soviet Union on Sept. 6 , 1991 , and the three Baltic states were admitted to the UN on Sept. 17 [ see p. 38419-20 for information on their political systems ] .
3 Six junior appointments to the Cabinet announced on Oct. 25 [ see p. 39029 for formation on July 19 ] included three women ; Meriem Mihoub Zerdani , Saida Benhabyles and Malika Allab , respectively Minister Counsellor for Legal and Administrative Affairs , Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of National Solidarity , and Secretary of State at the Ministry of Education .
4 The 16th session of the General People 's Congress ( GPC ) assembled in Tripoli on March 2-10 to decide on future government policy [ see p. 37214 for report on March 1989 GPC session ] .
5 It was the first time that the government had simultaneously formulated a 10-year programme and a five-year plan [ see p. 37917 for adoption of plan and programme guidelines at seventh CCP plenum held in December 1990 ; see p. 38097 for report on seventh five-year plan ] .
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