Example sentences of "set [prep] [noun pl] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This uneven set of responses reflects the tension between the need for union negotiators to defend their members ' interests against perceived threats and their ability to generate and implement a long term strategy .
2 At High Meadow in the Forest of Dean a rather poor set of earthworks indicates a settlement shown on a map of 1608 .
3 ‘ Foundationalism ’ means that an external set of phenomena imposes an order on , or serves as a ‘ foundation , for , a given cultural practice .
4 Third , a further set of predictions concerns the possible ways to ask questions .
5 The following set of commands creates a directory called DFSS on drive C , copies ss31.EXE into this directory from the distribution disk in drive A , extracts all the Screen Scenes files , and deletes ss31.EXE from the C : \DFSS directory :
6 Another set of criticisms concerns the basic approach , given the desired object of establishing communicative contact with and among the apes concerned .
7 The goal is a state in which the set of properties common to all arches includes the assertions : there are two columns there is an extra block the extra block rests on both columns and the other set of properties contains the assertion : the two columns touch .
8 The first two pages for each set of tables contains the remedies most frequently indicated .
9 However , one can say that a logically inconsistent set of attitudes bears the inevitable seeds of emotional disharmony within the individual and is likely to make effective action impossible by promoting patterns of behaviour which prevent each others ' successful issue .
10 The next set of problems concerns the nature of the comparative statics exercise implicit in the redistributive studies .
11 The existence of a set of associations provides a means whereby the integrity of the design can be monitored and violations reported to the designer .
12 The resulting set of lines forms a band envelope .
13 It is not obvious to the very young child that a set of objects has the same number of units however those units are arranged ( provided , of , that none are removed or added ) .
14 The following set of documents illustrates a typical set :
15 An electronic set of tricks simulates the real life timetable so that the operators receive and send all of the necessary signals as well as operating the appropriate signals .
16 For example , in many accents of the Midlands and North-Western England a particular set of words contains a vowel ( represented by ‘ o ’ in the spelling ) which is pronounced as in RP but as in these other accents ; the list of words includes ‘ one ’ , ‘ none ’ , ‘ nothing ’ , ‘ tongue ’ , ‘ mongrel ’ and ‘ constable ’ .
17 One set of results concerns the transfer from latent inhibition training to inhibitory conditioning in which the pre-exposed stimulus is explicitly trained as a CS- , a stimulus that signals the omission of the reinforcer .
18 Disk 7 of the 3.5inch set of disks contains a whole host extra printer drivers for Windows .
19 Thus this set of arguments takes the four roles of women — wives , mothers , daughters and paid workers — and elevates the first two for special treatment and recognition .
20 The final set of arguments emphasises the limited leadership qualities and organisational deficiencies that have been a historic feature of the extreme right in Great Britain .
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