Example sentences of "happened [prep] be [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The truth was revealed only by chance , when a journalist for the US magazine Sports Illustrated happened to be aboard a boat when it hauled up seven dead porpoises , caught in a single set .
2 The grass was lucky if it grew , was shone upon and rained upon , and was not burned , and was not pulled up by the roots , or poisoned , or buried when the ground was turned over , and some bits just happened to be on a line that humans wanted to walk on , and so got trampled , broken , pressed flat , with no malice ; just effect .
3 At the weekend , I happened to be on a panel in a Welsh phone-in along with Wayne Shelford , Brian Price and Phil Bennett .
4 If we were all hay fever prone , then whenever we happened to be in a place where the pollen count was high , our eyes would start streaming and our noses running .
5 LOYALIST gunmen were ordered to kill anyone who happened to be in a particular house attacked in Belfast last week .
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