Example sentences of "best know [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The form of mental handicap known as ‘ Down 's Syndrome ’ is undoubtedly the best known type of handicap in Britain today .
2 One of the best known illustrations of inversion is the model on a Euclidean plane , such as this page , that the French mathematician Henri Poincaré made of the non Euclidean ‘ hyperbolic ’ plane , A Euclidean plane is one that obeys Euclid 's famous fifth postulate : in other words , given a line , and a point not on that line , only one other line in the plane ( a parallel to the first line ) can pass through the point and not meet the given line .
3 So what has brought the best known boxer on the unofficial circuit , the best known bouncer in town , the man who has inspired film scripts and tall tales in the snooker halls , once one of the six people in Britain said to be able to bench-press 500 pounds , what has brought him to the dock in front of Judge Richard Lowry and to the possibility of spending the rest of his life locked up with robbers and rapists ?
4 Zinc , one of the best known protections against corrosion
5 Trading in the shares of a target company on the basis of inside information is perhaps the best known form of insider dealing .
6 Apart from the Pazyryk carpet ( in the Hermitage , Leningrad ) , probably the most important , and certainly the best known specimen in existence is the Ardebil carpet , which is now housed in London 's Victoria and Albert Museum .
7 The best known aspect of sexism in English is what some feminists have called ‘ he/man ’ language , that is , the generic use of masculine pronouns and the term man ( kind ) .
8 One of the best known names in football has been teaching a group of schoolchildren some of the skills which took him to the top of the game .
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