Example sentences of "moved [adv] from [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But more than elephants , big cats and early man moved down from continental Asia across that early land-bridge to the islands .
2 Mr and Mrs Crump , who until that moment had reigned serene in their social supremacy at the Swan , moved swiftly from slight disgruntlement to genuine delight as details of the new arrival 's pedigree , accoutrements , speech and manner were relayed to them by one or other of the scampering servants .
3 He moved away from mere professionalism towards the art of a leading man in plays which required first-rate acting , performing in plays by Shakespeare , Oscar Wilde , H. G. Granville-Barker , Sir J. M. Barrie [ qq.v. ] , and Ibsen .
4 She later moved away from cytological research , partly because constant use of the high-power microscope was a strain on her eyes , and in the second period of her career she concentrated on anatomical and phylogenetic questions .
5 Pepys moved around from public places to coffee houses and taverns hoping to do business .
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