Example sentences of "sent off [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A little boy had been sent off to a birthday party all dressed up in his best clothes and clutching a present for his school friend .
2 CHRIS BURTON , Featherstone 's former Great Britain forward , has been suspended for five matches by the Rugby League disciplinary committee after being sent off for a head tackle in Featherstone 's home championship defeat by Leeds last Sunday .
3 STEVE HAMPSON , the Wigan and Great Britain full-back , was suspended for 10 matches by the disciplinary committee yesterday after being sent off for a head tackle in Saturday 's Regal Trophy quarter-final with at Leeds .
4 Coventry City .. 3 Grimsby Town ... 0 ( Coventry win 4-3 on agg ) GRIMSBY played for 87 minutes of this Littlewoods Cup tie with 10 men , and their prospects of defending the two-goal lead they brought to Highfield Road disappeared with Tony Rees , who was sent off for a coward 's foul on Greg Downs .
5 Even when Dave MacDonald was sent off for a second bookable offence the blues were incapable of taking the advantage .
6 On the Saturday before our departure our group was sent off for a day 's grape picking at Puyloubier , the rest home for injured and retired former legionnaires , in the foothills of Provence , about two hours ' drive from Aubagne .
7 Newcastle striker David Kelly was sent off for a foul on Michele Menolascina and the fracas broke out .
8 MARK JONES , the 16-stone Welsh forward in trouble after being sent off for a punch in Hull 's fiery clash with Warrington , is in more hot water .
9 The two Senussi soldiers were sent off on a recce and reported back the following day that there was no checkpoint on the road leading into the town .
10 Tony Gorman was sent off after a brawl involving up to 12 players at The Oval .
11 FLASHPOINT : Spurs skipper Neil Ruddock ( centre ) and Palace 's Andy Thorn ( right ) were both sent off after a flare-up
12 In the summer of 1990 Moscato and a third Bègles prop , Verges , were sent off after a series of clashes with Agen players .
13 Major minor was sent off in a school soccer match .
14 He is the first player to be sent off in a Manchester derby since 1974 , when both Lou Macari and Mike Doyle were dismissed .
15 In 1974 he was fined £75 and banned for three matches when he refused to leave the pitch after being sent off in a Manchester United match .
16 The Neath lock Mike Whitson has been given an eight-week ban after being sent off in a Schweppes Cup tie against South Glamorgan Institute .
17 The Neath lock Mike Whitson has been given an eight-week ban after being sent off in a Schweppes Cup tie against South Glamorgan Institute .
18 The man who joined Lascubé in his early bath , hooker Vincent Moscato , has forsaken the rugby pitch to take up his other favourite pastime , boxing , just as he did a couple of years ago when suspended after being sent off in a club match .
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