Example sentences of "compared to some of the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The cells are luxurious compared to some of the things we put up with in the Army , ’ said one staff member during a Press tour of the jail .
2 Nothing , compared to some of the prices going about in here !
3 Compared to some of the things that woman 's done for me , this is a small enough thing .
4 I managed to find a pair of school shoes for twenty pounds which is quite cheap compared to some of the other prices .
5 ‘ That 's peanuts compared to some of the schemes the Government are running , ’ he said .
6 Erm well in in the context of what I did say yesterday it 'll come as no great surprise to anyone that like Ryedale we also accept the North Yorkshire County County figures , erm which in short we we find are based on reasonable assumptions and and and an appropriate methodology , compared to some of the more extreme interpretations and projections that have that have been put forward , if I can illustrate that point by reference to er potential building rates , that the highest figure that 's been suggested is the one put forward by Mr Grigson , of Barton Willmore , I 'm talking for the moment about Greater York generally , and I 'll come onto the Selby aspect in a minute .
7 Well , compared to some of the other things that are supposed to be tourist attractions
8 That 's because it 's a breath of fresh air compared to some of the muck that passes for music in the popular music charts .
9 Compared to some of the dodges they get up to .
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