Example sentences of "try [verb] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Try to rig up a line through there and down the side of the pod .
2 Landowners ca n't do exactly what they want for a start , and if they intend to do anything which might damage the site they have to inform the Nature Conservancy Council in writing and try to work out a compromise .
3 try to work out a pattern that is varied and fun
4 Mom grabs a megaphone as Sly 's squad try to talk down a youth threatening to jump from a tall building , and regales everyone with her Joey 's boyhood stories , his bed-wetting and toilet-training .
5 If we try to imagine how a mind of superhuman power and reach , but normal so far as the logical processes of its thought are concerned , … would use the scientific method , the process would be as follows : First , all facts would be observed and recorded , without selection or a priori guess as to their relative importance .
6 With Balor loping along at their side , they could not discuss whether Fenella would be all right , or speculate how soon she and Caspar would catch them up , or even try to spy out a place to stop and wait for them .
7 So of course you rifle the fridge and the larder for signs of malpractice , and even though you 're a wholemeal bread fan ( do you make a fuss over it at hotels in the morning ? ) and you try to keep up a regime of healthy , dull , fresh fruit eating , the evidence is all there : tinned baked beans ; deep frozen specialist pork sausages ; stilton .
8 As you do so , try to build up a system of classification , explaining your basis for making distinctions .
9 Try to build up a rapport with the judge .
10 ‘ I try to build up a rapport with the callers and being able to speak a little French helps , ’ she said .
11 The only fair way was to read the transcripts of those who had been there and try to piece together a sequence of events .
12 Keep the vaginal area clean , try washing twice a day with plain water or a mild , unperfumed soap .
13 I want you every moment of the day and night and every time I try to fold up a map .
14 I always try to bring back a sweater for my wife , something like that . ’
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