Example sentences of "variety of [noun] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 By the late 1970s , the average self-respecting British household expected to have its video recorder or microwave oven ; in a variety of occupations the computer was taking over .
2 However , since the mid-1970s for a variety of reasons the content of this ‘ citizenship of entitlement ’ has been reduced .
3 The evaluators conclude that while the evaluation has shown how INSET and staff development can be enriched by a project like the Essex scheme , for a variety of reasons the development of this area has been disappointing .
4 For a variety of reasons the rule is often breached , but there would be no excuse for missing the deadline with a report which had taken so long to prepare .
5 Hence , when selecting a parser it is vital to determine how wide a variety of grammar the parser is able to process and how easily it can be extended to a larger domain .
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