Example sentences of "variety [prep] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It draws on authentic texts from a variety of disciplines in the social sciences such as economics , sociology , and political history .
2 The Hic Mulier figure ( an abstraction ) is a vehicle for a variety of defences of the transvestite , radical and conservative , and there is no good reason , given the genre , to privilege the one over the others as more truthful , more sincere , more representative , or to be dismayed that some of these arguments are incompatible with each other .
3 dazzling neo-industrial six-track mini-LP ‘ secretly recorded in a variety of locations without the permission of the record label to ensure it could fester without divine intervention ’ , according to vocalist Trent Reznor
4 Pre-retirement seminars are offered on an open basis to individuals every month at a variety of locations around the country .
5 Spare capacity would be resold to other British Telecom units , which could offer a variety of services over the network .
6 The WRVS was founded during the Second World War and has around 150,000 volunteers ( 13% of whom are men ) providing a variety of services in the community .
7 A similar view of the importance of social movements is taken by Touraine ( 1973 ) in his account of the Popular Unity Government of Salvador Allende in Chile where , he argues , the activities and influence of a variety of movements within the governing coalition made it possible for the poor to express their grievances directly and continuously , instead of having them diverted ( and perhaps stifled ) in the official channels of a monolithic ruling party .
8 The devastation and restructuring of European society gave credence to a whole variety of forebodings about the collapse of European civilization .
9 Jane Katsambis , head teacher of the school , will face a variety of questions from the vicar , who wants to find out how she views the school 's role in the community and its relation to the church .
10 Parties include a variety of associations from the mass political parties of Western democracies to the whole range of pressure or interest groups which include professional associations , trades unions , the Automobile Association and the RSPCA .
11 The great variety of creatures in the Burgess Shales is a reminder of how incomplete our knowledge is of all fossil faunas .
12 Intended as well to improve the educational chances of children in the deprived inner cities , when first proposed they had the somewhat dubious appearance of being the outcome of a bright idea , one that would kill a variety of birds with the same stone : up with the inner cities ; , down with Local Authorities ; up with privatization ; down with education in the arts .
13 In 1989 some half of the £8.8 million thus raised went on training future clergy , the rest on a variety of projects including the running of General Synod itself .
14 ‘ A number of district officers have been asked to look at a variety of projects across the service , ’ he said .
15 The Robertson Trust supports a wide variety of projects throughout the UK .
16 Leaseholders were found to have experienced a variety of problems with the management of their block , including failure on the landlord 's part to carry out repairs , too little or excessive refurbishment , estimates ‘ rigged ’ by landlords or managing agents , failure to consult leaseholders and difficulty in obtaining information about accounts and insurance .
17 In particular , they enjoy : ( i ) a different variety of instruments in the eurobond market ; ( ii ) arbitrage opportunities between domestic and euro-issues — e.g. GMAC euro/domestic spreads might widen out to 30 basis points , generating arbitrage opportunities ; and ( iii ) a tax advantage .
18 A verb or adverb , however , is unlikely to be as strongly constrained to one domain and will therefore be more general in its use ( e.g. ’ withdraw ’ , ’ open ’ and ’ save ’ all have a variety of meanings besides the financial sense ) .
19 The course was well received and will be offered a variety of venues in the coming year .
20 Here is a chance to see a variety of helicopters on the hangar floor , with the possibility of seeing how new helicopters arrive , are assembled and test-flown .
21 This programme ( see Chapter 3 ) involved the spending of over £400 million by a variety of agencies on the regeneration of east Glasgow , through the creation of new business centres , industrial development schemes , environmental improvements and substantial housing renewal and rehabilitation ( Leclerc and Draffan , 1984 ) .
22 The method used for a particular analysis depends on a great variety of factors including the analyst 's expertise , the time available , the situations accessible for study , the related information already available , the purpose of the analysis and so on .
23 What this difference means is not clear ; it could be a manifestation of a variety of factors including the very different financial circumstances of the two groups !
24 For daughters who take on the role the identification of the caring responsibility is probably much more complex and is related to a variety of factors including the services which are available , the needs of the older person , the type of relationship and feelings of filial responsibility .
25 A variety of factors in the stimuli presented have been found to influence selection .
26 Er our only problem is that some of our housing is concentrated in rather large blocks , and that does put pressure looking for v var variety of sites in the county and we are erm getting a lot of objection for some potential development sites in our area at the present moment .
27 Alternative careers — a number of LEAs have mounted events involving school pupils in non–traditional activities providing girls ( and boys ) with the opportunity of ‘ having a go ’ at a variety of activities across the whole employment range .
28 It is worth noting that the Compact will not be fulfilling all of its objectives if it does not regularly ask participating companies to contribute to a wide variety of activities in the Compact schools .
29 In these , well known actors and comedians plugged a variety of goods in the familiar setting of a shop or pub .
30 It is not until the Carboniferous that we start to find evidence of a variety of forms including the putative ancestors of some of the living dominant groups .
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