Example sentences of "factors which [vb mod] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There are , of course , many factors which would operate to make insider dealing and other conflict abuse less attractive to a company and its directors .
2 The experience of admission to hospital and the possibility of surgery will be different for each individual but it is possible to discuss some of the physical and psychological factors which may contribute to stress and the effects these may have on progress and recovery .
3 Adjustments to incorporate various factors which may have affected this annual prevalence figure ( over 200 cases lacking an identity code , low response rates from GPs and social workers ) suggest a possible range of 1,550 to 1,850 individual problem drug users in Wirral during 1984–5 .
4 There were a number of other factors which may have influenced the Court in deciding in Costa Rica 's favour .
5 Among the factors which may have contributed to the disorderly condition of the Gascon nobility was the slackening of the crusading effort against the infidel .
6 Interviews revealed a number of factors which may have contributed to this :
7 Colleagues need to convey a sense of wanting to learn from the worker 's experience ( as against simple curiosity ) , and to be secure enough to explore the full range of factors which may have contributed to the outcome .
8 Nonetheless , the significance of ASW consultation with male relatives , and a tendency to examine social factors which may have challenged GP definitions less than with other referrals are rather less positive .
9 The evidence in terms of inch loss recorded by my trial team proves without doubt that the reduction of fat and the increase in fresh fruit and vegetables in our diet really does reduce cellulite , despite all the hormonal , stress , lifestyle and postural factors which could have caused it .
10 Basically there are a number of general factors which can serve to maintain anxiety .
11 It is designed to identify the kinds of factors which will help to determine the prospects for commercial success among members of different ethnic minorities in different industrial sectors .
12 Of course , there are other factors which will have shaped the result of this historic presidential election .
13 Section two describes the two factors which will need pronouncing in this period to achieve this objective , these are the usual annual commitments and the need under the present rules laid down by Policy Committee to commence from the highways project , the loan charges on the capital expenditure over and above the figure included in the transport supplementary grant settlement , that is the two point seven million pound figure in paragraph two one B.
14 The finger pointed at education could not easily be pushed aside , particularly at a time when the period of education had been extended and the school population , on both sides of the Atlantic , was beginning to diminish factors which should have favoured significant improvement .
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