Example sentences of "lack of [noun sg] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 One of the hypothesis which could be proposed , attributes the lack of modification in mitochondrial genome expression to over expression of the intact genome population , or to a substantial increase in the overall concentration of mitochondrial genomes per nuclear genome ( therefore in the intact mitochondrial genome concentration ) .
2 Kevin Orde , managing director , said he was particularly concerned by the lack of assistance from Scottish Borders Enterprise for the four local member companies of the Scottish Apparel Group .
3 In both cases the limitations of vocabulary should not be seen necessarily to imply any lack of ability for abstract thought : these animals are using an alien tool to communicate with a species ( us ) whose intellectual make-up is quite alien to them , so it is hardly surprising that there are comparatively few areas of common ground that can be described using human words .
4 I am depressed by the lack of provision for small children , because although we have things like the Equal Opportunities Commission and the S S R C funding , very generously research into what they call women 's under-achievement , educationally and occupationally and so on , that does n't seem to be the area in which things ought to be being done .
5 The lack of change in metabolic control during our study may explain the stability of the hypoglycaemic experience of our subjects throughout .
6 He also pointed to the lack of evidence of consistent female choice for mates carrying particular characteristics .
7 Lack of support during previous clinical experience may have sapped the confidence of the learner .
8 Meanwhile , the conspicuous lack of support for equal opportunities from the Scottish Law Society is galvanising the Glasgow-based Association of Women Solicitors ( SAWS ) .
9 Resignation of Yeltsin — Lack of support for Democratic Platform walkout
10 Lack of support for mainstream teachers is not only reflected through inadequate training .
11 Such a view ignores the combined impact of adversarial divorce courts , lack of support for separating couples going through loss and change , lack of awareness of different roles and responsibilities of step-parents , lack of recognition of step-families in legal or welfare systems , and the negative image of step-families , all of which have contributed to the difficulties of remarriage and a rising re-divorce rate .
12 The anxiety was more one of style , about its bureaucracy , its lack of enthusiasm for social and economic change and its susceptibility to venality and materialism ( most clearly expressed in its use of Joint Fund money ) .
13 The lack of enthusiasm for social expenditure in the Treasury produced a remarkable lack of foresight in such matters .
14 The reasons for this dearth of activity may stem from a general lack of enthusiasm amongst Caledonian flyers ( I accept that it is a minority interest ) or , hopefully , from a lack of both events to stimulate interest or outlets for those who would wish to be involved .
15 Had their remit been wider , they might well have discovered that many of the teachers ' anxieties about LMS arose from a lack of faith in school-level decision-making and a feeling of being somehow ‘ outside ’ the decision-making process : a ‘ victim ’ of change rather than an agent of it .
16 His view about Orkney — which is his local area — showed a lack of faith in social workers to the extent of preferring society 's problems to be solved informally .
17 The result was lack of co-ordination between different departments .
18 Ultimately , the role of planning is limited by the restricted powers available and by a lack of co-ordination with other public and quasi-public agencies .
19 One of its most obvious , yet distressing , manifestations is the lack of discrimination between different ages covering 30 or more years .
20 Although there were gaps in the system , such as the provision for small firms and for high-risk finance , the fundamental problem with the financing of industry in the UK was correctly attributed not to the lack of availability of external financing , but rather to the inadequacy of industrial performance .
21 Alternatively , many animal models have been used to overcome the lack of availability of normal human tissue .
22 According to UNEP , a lack of availability of reliable information has been a major reason for the lack of the best corporate environmental practise
23 In all cases the lower-class ‘ victims ’ are pushed from a natural state of conformity into a state of delinquency by the relative lack of availability of conventional means to achieve conventional goals .
24 Excessive indulgence in crisps , sweets , and canned drinks and the lack of availability of fresh fruit and vegetables in the house can teach poor eating patterns .
25 Given Nicolae 's peculiar lack of empathy with other people , it may be that all his human emotions were concentrated on her , and on getting and keeping power of course .
26 The lack of relationship between previous knowledge and recall suggests that the procedure was successful in preventing this .
27 And the kind of criticisms split down the middle , as well , on furnishings , that by and large men were far more concerned about the , the lack of durability in modern furnishings compared with their parents ' , whereas women were n't so concerned with that .
28 This exception is the equivalent of lack of dishonesty in other parts of the Act .
29 They complained of frequent staff changes resulting in a lack of consistency between residential workers and inadequate control of the youngsters .
30 The relative lack of success was due in large part to the lack of consistency with other policies — a fact that became apparent in 1990 , when Collor abolished national import quotas , and threatened to cut tariffs too .
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