Example sentences of "needed be the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They require very little attention — the only pruning needed is the removal of old barky wood , and of course that cut back by wind .
2 What it believes is needed is the leadership of SunSoft Inc throwing its weight behind ES/MP .
3 While professional advisers can , and do , work towards ‘ once only ’ savings such as changes in the prescribing of generic drugs , the real control needed is the introduction of new products only after assessment of the health gain and financial consequences .
4 This was the basic reason for Britain 's poor investment record and profitability , and what was needed was the release of resources from the unproductive areas in order to rebuild the productive base .
5 What was needed was the kind of laws and regulations , and tax structure , that would make the market society work , or allow it to work , and the kind of state services — defence , and even military expansion , education , sanitation , and various sorts of assistance to industry , such as tariffs and grants for railway development that were thought necessary to make the system run efficiently and profitably .
6 What this harsh and regimented scheme urgently needed was the integration of feminine and domestic influences , setting free ‘ feminine powers into Workhouses , Hospitals , Schools , Orphanages , Lunatic Asylums , Reformatories and even Prisons ’ .
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