Example sentences of "piece of [noun] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 born free look at merito I 've got a merito for every piece of work I 've done
2 If the answer is no , then you need to think about how you could improve that piece of work , somebody is speaking now it 's bad enough you owe me ten minutes if it 's not the best piece of work you 've ever done , why is n't it ?
3 The proof of this statement is so simple and elegant that it is the one piece of mathematics I have permitted myself in this book .
4 Maggie put a hand in her coat pocket , and with the tips of her fingers touched the piece of scrimshaw she 'd found in the mud where their house had once stood .
5 Zakrewski commented , ‘ This is the most ridiculous piece of legislation I have ever seen in my entire life .
6 Another piece of equipment we 've got is a pocket notebook , we write down everything we do .
7 The flash of hope in her eyes made him wish he could report a more substantial discovery than the meagre piece of intelligence he had to contribute .
8 If you remove the piece of rib you 've just knitted from the machine and then compare its width with the width of the needles in working position , you 'll see what I mean .
9 Biggest damn piece of architecture I 've ever seen .
10 Dyson broke off in mid-explanation , frowning at a piece of copy-paper he had taken out of a little brown envelope marked ‘ J. Dyson Esqre . ’
11 The strongest piece of evidence we 've found so far is that piece of chain , which ties in with the attack on the gipsy girl .
12 ‘ There 's a piece of teak I 've carved into a hex sign up there , ’ he pointed out .
13 He began jocularly by saying that he rose to address them with some apprehension , reminded of a piece of graffiti he had seen on a Whitehall notice board which had read , ‘ I used to be indecisive … but now I 'm not so sure , , which brought a few chuckles from the floor .
14 ‘ Form a long line along the piece of road you 've been making and search the forest to the north . ’
15 ‘ Actually , ’ he said , commencing slowly what every contrary sense told him was a venture into dangerous territory , the piece of history I had in mind was a defenestration .
16 He remembered a piece of music he had been carrying around in his head for years and bragged that he knew a better tune .
17 But when he was invited to play a piece of music he had composed for the Princess Royal to her when she visited Edinburgh , they rapidly found out .
18 Often they ask me for requests , and sometimes they will come over and ask about a piece of music I 've just played .
19 I took out the piece of parchment I had found on the corpse .
20 After Arnold died , Nancy , feeling more strongly than ever what she had always known , that he was the only man she had loved , came to live permanently in the house where he had always seemed happiest , a piece of property he had picked up for a song in the sixties from Barone Dulcibene 's father-in-law , old Count Umberto Baderini .
21 It was not a note but a long letter explaining everything , as long and taking her as long to compose as the last piece of writing she had done , an essay comparing and contrasting Verdi and Wagner and their operas .
22 A piece of verse he had heard long ago came drifting back to Carew ; the lament of some long dead , long forgotten Irish poet surveying his ravaged country .
23 Every piece of material we have helps to assess an act .
24 ‘ You are the most frustrating piece of womanhood I 've met in a long time , ’ he rasped .
25 USL 's in-house counsel says OSF , which appears to looking for proof of an industry-wide conspiracy against it , is asking USL to produce not only every piece of paper they 've got with OSF 's name on it but anything that refers to Unix or even software .
26 But I 'm going to give you a little piece of paper and on the piece of paper it 's got ten questions .
27 I doubt if Paxton knows either , ’ Donna said , looking at the piece of paper she 'd collected the day before .
28 Where did I , where did I put that piece of paper I had ?
29 Maeve sat crouched over a table using a pool of light from a huge candelabra to stab furiously with her needle at a piece of embroidery she had been working on for years .
30 The work that prompted the writing began when the teacher brought into the class ( a combined J3/J4 class ) a piece of driftwood she had been given .
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