Example sentences of "none of they had [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At the time Gamal had written a number of plays but none of them had yet actually been produced .
2 Others , like Hayling , obviously had talent , but none of them had even a fraction of the experience or ability which had twice earned him the Journalist of the Year award for his coverage of Vietnam and Cambodia .
3 Rachel stared at her sister in silence , shocked by what she had just heard , not so much by the fact that Paul Mason had been married but because he was as different from David Markham as it was possible for a man to be , and none of them had even suspected what had been happening .
4 I venture that the real reason Labour 's spin-doctors raised electoral reform in a clumsy and cynical way on Democracy Day , and then let it get out of control , was that none of them had actually read the Plant report .
5 And , most importantly , none of them had ever sailed before , let alone on a big cat .
6 Some of her friends had fairly eccentric ideas of bed-sitter decoration , and had done far better than the Chianti-bottle , British Railway-poster effort , but none of them had ever conceived of anything like this : and the nicest room she had ever seen had been the drawing room of a friend 's mother in Sevenoaks , which had been distinguished by a bare and gentle colour scheme , and some pretty Georgian furniture .
7 None of them had ever had one , except for his MP uncle , who had once been a journalist .
8 Furthermore , 74 patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome were identified in these studies ; none of them had ever been treated with gangliosides .
9 None of them had ever supported Mr Hitler and most were shocked to hear that anything like that had been going on .
10 Years later one of Cahiers ' most influential critics , Jean-Luc Godard , admitted that none of them had really believed in the theory , but had used it to draw attention to themselves .
11 Aside from the worthlessness of double negatives , aside from the fact that McGuinness was a far more accomplished safe-breaker than Meehan ( he had earned his nickname Tank because it was said he could penetrate even one of those ) , and aside from the fact that in all the verbiage spilled out by Meehan , Waddell and McGuinness to lawyers , journalists and others for over thirteen years , none of them had so much as hinted at the idea of a quartet , there was not a scrap of worthwhile evidence to support it : it was speculation with a vengeance and extraordinary to find in a report by a judge of his standing .
12 Absent also was Leofwine , who had taken Thorfinn for King as Cormac had , or so it seemed , on the glorious journey to and from Rome , and who had stood trembling as Cormac had on the steps of St Peter 's , one of a brotherhood that had seemed to promise a future none of them had so far dreamed of .
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