Example sentences of "task of [verb] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 There is a fascinating variety to the task of providing advice and enforcing legislation , and of persuading management and workers alike in an effort to reduce the misery and cost of accidents and ill health .
2 On the basis of this greatly enhanced authority the EP decided to press ahead with the task of unifying Europe and to this end produced a draft treaty establishing a European Union .
3 Frame as " Liaison Officer " was given the task of bringing members and branches into closer communication with the executive and of encouraging the work of Regional Councils .
4 Abdul Haq , a mujahedin commander , has recently been given the task of bringing peace and security in the areas liberated from government control .
5 Charged with the task of discovering signing and developing artists , the A&R staff are the first point of contact with a record company for the new acts who are intent on becoming the superstars of tomorrow .
6 March 1987 : Hussey and Checkland woo John Birt of LWT to become deputy director-general , with the special task of revamping news and current affairs .
7 Whether attitudes towards BSL can be altered or not , those who come into work with deaf people will have to approach the task of learning BSL and it may be that the weight of sign learning must rely on motivation to the task and the cognitive and age factors .
8 So long as the ingested solution of electrolytes is hypotonic ( possessing an osmotic activity below that of blood plasma ) or isotonic ( equal to blood plasma in osmotic activity ) , then ORT performs the required task of promoting electrolyte and fluid transport from the gut lumen to the blood .
9 Inspired by this objective , other churchmen , both bishops and abbots , appointed officials called prévôts for the task of collecting rents and dues from their estates .
10 Further , it is probably only when the GP has performed the initial expert task of transforming signs and symptoms into an organised illness , that the patient can formulate the help he requires as possibly beyond the competence of his GP .
11 Harold Shoosmith undertook the unenviable task of ringing Charles and Dimity in Yorkshire where they were on holiday , and breaking the news to them .
12 The Austrian First Army ( General Dankl ) was given the task of reaching Lublin and Cholm .
13 As a new focal point for the city , the tower had the task of expressing confidence and displaying a degree of technological prowess .
14 In smaller seasonal or residential hotels all the office work could be centralised in the reception office , and during the quiet period on the front desk the receptionist would be expected to carry out the task of maintaining accounting and other records .
15 The analysis will also perform the more mundane task of acquainting bankers and banking lawyers with fundamentals of ocean bill of lading law which made the ocean bill a merchantable document , including landmark statutes , decisions , conventions , and contractual clauses .
16 You will find the apparently mechanical task of taking jokes and funny situations apart , to see what elements they 're composed of , extremely helpful for your own work .
17 In short , people now have a much better opinion of the services offered by the Bank , and we have made significant inroads in the task of persuading customers that building societies are not necessarily the best place to go for savings and mortgages .
18 The task of recovering POWs and disarming the enemy was given to 23 Indian Division whose advanced elements landed on 2 October at Jakarta .
19 The simplest form of reading is often thought to be children ‘ looking at pictures ’ , but children need to bring a number of skills to the task of reading picture-books if they are to read the pictures with understanding .
20 Scottish schools are renowned for their isolation from the community ; in the Western Isles , where culture and language have tended to further that isolation , the task of linking school and community has been considerable .
21 Beverley has set about the task of designing monoclonals that can recognise the surfactant material and therefore indicate its presence or absence in the lungs of newborn babies .
22 As the Commanding Officer of 1 Squadron was also the Senior Strike Leader at Tengah , he had the task of activating operations as directed by SEAC .
23 Every processor has its corresponding numeric coprocessor , a processor dedicated to the task of doing arithmetic and integrated with the main processor so that it can take over as required .
24 Sandra had virtually given up her career to devote herself to the task of keeping house and raising a family , though , in that respect , the relationship did not mature as she had hoped .
25 With the benefit of experience , the authors feel that a more sensitive , qualitative approach , possibly incorporating a few standardised items , would have been better than using standardised scales for the difficult task of assessing depression and dementia in elderly people .
26 In this light , the task of attaining uniformity and harmonization is not as difficult as it appears .
27 In borrowing from structural linguistics the early structuralists took on the task of analysing signs and systems of signification .
28 The nature of the court 's work There had been a tendency largely to disregard applications as being incidental to the main task of deciding appeals and as not significant in themselves .
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