Example sentences of "sun [verb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The late evening sun slanted in from the west .
2 The sun crept up into the sky , with the long chain of warm , golden days remaining unbroken .
3 I stayed at the Cove watching cloud shadows racing across the great limestone cliffs until the sun moved round to the west when it was time to race the old ladies back to the village for the tea and scones of Beck Hall .
4 The sun beat down on the discomfort of the watchers , wondering if they were meant to clap or what .
5 Outside , the sun beat down on the red baked earth of Provence , but the summer salon was cool .
6 The sun beat down upon the crowd and glittered on the richly embroidered vestments .
7 ‘ After a while the sun beat down upon the mist and filled it with light and warmth , and a wind blew and the mist thinned and cleared .
8 Of the verderers he could see nothing , but so strong was his sense of present danger that Allen remained half-hidden watching until the sun came up over the forest and the wet rock slabs of the Waste shone like glass and he could feel the first faint warmth of the sun 's beams striking on his face .
9 It was still warm during the day , and the sun came in over the trees of the forest outside the camp .
10 In the morning the sun came in at the window and woke me .
11 The winter sun came out over the signals aerials on the top of the regimental headquarters and I warmed my neck , rubbing it against the collar of my knitted undershirt .
12 The spider went up the spout is me , down come the rain and out come the sun , all the sun came out in the rain , Insy Winsy spider climbed up again
13 Suddenly they were in a huge , enchanting sitting-room , with the sun pouring in through the open French windows that gave a magnificent view out over the bay .
14 The sun shone down on the grassy slopes , accentuating petal colour : blue of germander speed well , pink of camp ion , mauve of tufted vetch and white of stitchwort .
15 Now , last weekend 's cycle ride down the new section of the M forty once looked threatened by being blown away as the Met Office warned of impending storms , but in fact the sun shone down on the riders and today , less than a week the counting is done and Mike Biddolph from Oxfordshire County Council , who also took part in the event , has come up with the grand total of — how much have you raised Mike ?
16 The sun shone in at the science-room window .
17 But I thought , sitting there on the side of my bed looking out over the trash-filled street with the sound of the trucks grinding and roaring down the thoroughfare , that He must be something like the sun rising out of the ocean on a cloudless day .
18 It seemed a long way , though , from the summer perfume of myrtle and orange-blossom , the brilliance of white fluted marble , the wreathing steam , the orderly practices of the sugar-yards , the worksongs of the scything and the vintage , the glory of the sun setting , of the sun rising out of the sea .
19 The sun swung round towards the west and the Pacific Ocean .
20 ‘ You do n't want to be sitting by Long Island Sound with the sun shining down on the water and the sky streaked with apricot when you hear the news that your Dad has died .
21 The sun blazed down on the ancient circle of stones , bees buzzed diligently as they searched for late pollen , and birds sang cheerfully in the nearby trees .
22 Yesterday , as the sun broke through on the peaceful setting of Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh they and others who fought with the International Brigades against General Franco and made the ultimate sacrifice , were remembered .
23 The Sun switched back to the Tories in 1979 , and the circulation gap doubled .
24 In spite of the worry at the back of her mind , she sat down beside her patient and said gently , ‘ As I sat having my breakfast to the sound of church bells , with the sun coming up behind the hills , I think I felt the sort of affinity you must have with Samana .
25 Th the strong highlight on the reflection on the water obviously is a thing which makes the picture as , and also the , the sort of rays of sun coming down through the cloud .
26 Theda came to herself to find that she lay in a large four-poster bed , with the curtains drawn back , and the weak autumn sun coming in at the windows .
27 Painfully , looking up at him , she saw a good strong profile , sandy hair tipped with gold from the sun coming in through the lace-curtained window .
28 FIGURE 5 I add small slivers of light down the windows to show the sun coming in from the right ( when it 's out ! ) .
29 The texture of the novel is in part created by the juxtaposition of dead metaphors and new ones created by slight adjustments to the normal patterns of the language : " … the sun looked down into the top of the dead tree and breathed warmly on the two people " ( p. 142 ) .
30 She had anticipated as much when he talked to her about leaving as they watched the sun go down over the Mediterranean during the honeymoon cruise .
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