Example sentences of "stood [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But as she made out the figure who stood darkly outlined against the blaze of the picture window 's light , she stopped abruptly short .
2 He stood up ticking off the events with his glass aginst the fingers of his left hand .
3 I pulled my boat near to the ship , then stood up to see through the cabin window .
4 I asked as I stood up to go to the bar .
5 No matter : as the Ultra to Shakespeare 's Enigma , Hughes continues relentlessly to crack the code of symbolic language and translate it into his own cryptological system : ‘ [ Othello ] plunges into the skein of Iago 's Adonis words , and stands up in them transformed , as Tarquin stood up transformed in the skin of Adonis , over the bed of Lucrece .
6 He checked the bathroom and kitchen and only then stood up to look through the windows to be certain that no one had made a run for the trees .
7 Lessons started again at nine o'clock and finished at twelve , when Miss Temple stood up to speak to the whole school .
8 In a moment Sheila stood angrily framed in the doorway .
9 Clare and Jacky conferred briefly in the kitchen while Carolyn stood awkwardly smiling at the woman .
10 Fran closed the door and stood silently looking at the mess .
11 George Cowley stood silently staring at the unconscious man .
12 He did n't ring the bell so we just stood there looking at the massive door .
13 As Zen stood there fiddling with the crucifix , the end of the upright suddenly came away cleanly in his hand and he saw that it was hollow and that the lower part of the shaft contained a heavy rectangular pack about two centimetres long connected to a wire running back into the shaft and disappearing through a small hole into the figure of Christ .
14 He stood there writing on the blackboard .
15 She stood there yabbing at the end of the counter , when are you coming out !
16 The little Victorian station house stood there mellow in the sun , with tubs of flowers adding to the colourful scene .
17 Ted stood there waiting with the shirt over his arm , waiting to hear the inevitable sequence completed before he went on ; slam the van door , up the outside stairs to the flat over the workshop , another door to slam , and then LOUD MUSIC .
18 The trucks thumped heavily past , one by one , with slow inevitable movement , as she stood insignificantly trapped between the jolting black waggons and the hedge ; then they curved away towards the coppice where the withered oak leaves dropped noiselessly , while the birds , pulling at the scarlet hips beside the track , made off into the dusk that had already crept into the spinney ( 4 ) .
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