Example sentences of "to help them [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A HERBAL health remedy marketed by a North Wales business is to be given to Russian cosmonauts to help them cope with stress in space .
2 Before residents arrive and on arrival , it 's important that a care assistant , who may be their key worker , is on hand to help them feel at home .
3 In the film , they even ask relative Arnie to help them break into action pictures .
4 To help them think in advance about the issues , members undertook pre-work relating to the quality Improvement Process and its state of progress in their domain .
5 Series 444 round and 555 flat Cotman Brushes from Winsor & Newton are ranges of pure synthetic brushes which have fibres of differing thicknesses to help them perform like sable .
6 Each source contributed to the attempt to understand what dementia sufferers needed in order to help them stay at home .
7 When they returned to the centre Rachel and Nina applied light dressings to the scalds , then took the two ladies into the rest-room and gave them sweet tea to help them recover from shock .
8 One way is to help them keep in touch with home .
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