Example sentences of "loss [prep] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Anna , neither knowing what she felt , nor what she would like to feel , went to her mother expecting to find Laura in a similar confusion of relief and distress , and treating her loss as occasion for a fine theatrical flourish .
2 Meanwhile , IBM Corp shares plunged $5.50 to $72.50 on the day the company reported a stunning net loss after charges for the third quarter of $2,778m last week and scepticism rose over the prompt promise in the analysts ' call after the announcement that the dividend is safe .
3 ‘ A small improvement in gross margin partially offset the loss of contribution from the reduction in turnover .
4 What tended in the past to be action stories have , without loss of excitement in the best examples such as the stories and novels of John Christopher and Nicholas Fisk , become serious exercises in prediction .
5 But the greatest potential damage to Rangers ' hopes of victory would be the loss of McCoist with a calf injury .
6 Libra Bank , the London-based consortium bank which trades in third world debts , plunged to a pre-tax loss of £174.6m in the first half of 1989 from profits last time of £10.9m .
7 They reflect a miraculous turnround from a loss of £9.3m to a profit of £5.6m for the year to August 1992 .
8 Sources say the brutal way in which the coup leaders have been dealt with has caused a dramatic loss of morale within the army .
9 Erm the other , the other factor would , might be that the kind of k er decrease and loss of morale within the , within the , within the complex .
10 The anxieties associated with a journey and the change of routine can cause a general sense of fatigue which will often be increased by loss of sleep as a result of the timing of the journey .
11 Study in Midlothian had shown a 33% loss , East Lothian a 23% loss and Bedfordshire in England had shown a remarkable 82% loss of ponds over the last century .
12 For the mutant polymerases , however , only the two most downstream regions -20 and -30 are protected ( Fig. 3a , lane 5 ; Fig. 3b , rows 3 and 4 ) : this is consistent with the loss of contacts in the -40 region .
13 On the contrary , unions appear to have been more effective and even the loss of trade union membership may be a consequence of the inability of the unemployed trade unionists to pay their unions fees rather than due to a loss of sympathy with the unions .
14 According to Dr John Pethick , a coastal geomorphologist at Hull University , the best solution is to avoid building in the worst-affected areas , and to compensate landowners for loss of land to the sea .
15 Britain is likely to suffer a major loss of land along the east coast especially around the Wash and Thames estuaries and the Norfolk Broads , while coastal protection works such as the ♯500 million River Thames barrier protecting London would have to be raised .
16 Thus payments to the government cause loss of liquidity to the banking system as a whole .
17 External frames are all but defunct in the UK because most have accepted that the ergonomically contoured internal frame sack is much more stable to carry than an external frame pack , even at the expense of some loss of ventilation to the back .
18 ‘ The complexities of childcare often drive qualified women to take a low-skilled but undemanding and convenient local job resulting sometimes in personal frustration and always in a loss of skills to the economy .
19 This is one of the reasons why anyone who works for himself should make sure that he is fully covered by insurance providing for loss of earnings during a long-term illness , as well as insurance against the possibility that he might not be able to work again after such an illness .
20 The calculation of damages for loss of earnings during the " lost years " is dealt with in the concluding portion of Chapter 5 ( Damages for Future Pecuniary Loss ) .
21 Section 4 of the 1982 Act amends the Law Reform ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1934 so as to exclude the survival of any claim for damages for loss of earnings during the lost years for the benefit of the estate in respect of deaths occurring on or after 1 January 1983 .
22 The House of Lords applied the but for test to restrict the defendant 's liability for loss of earnings to the period before the onset of the disease .
23 The loss on the sale of the business er various selling purchased expenses , loss of the profit , potential profit on their home , , the cost of borrowing er loss of earnings of the plaintiffs , loss on surrender of insurance policies er and er then some unspecified sums relating to pension and credit worthiness and ill health and loss of business My Lord those er headings are taken from and dealt with in er , much more detail in the report prepared by the expert 's accountant Mr for the er plaintiffs which is of course in the erm bundle C the third bundle .
24 To that sum must be added under a different heading of damages , past loss of earnings for the period when she would have entered the catering industry .
25 The typical pattern was for the local parties to meet only once a year in 1915 and 1916 , to re-elect their officers for another year ; agents who had enlisted were kept on the books by retaining half their normal pay , to compensate them for loss of earnings in the national interest and to keep them available for a resumption of partisanship .
26 The general damages for conspiracy and the alternative damages for deceit are claimed to include the following : ( a ) moneys ‘ expended upon the C.M.C. ’ by the plaintiffs after the commencement of the company ; ( b ) legal costs in fighting B.M.T. ; ( c ) the stain and stigma of bankruptcy ; ( d ) loss of earnings by the plaintiffs ; ( e ) the effect upon the health of the first plaintiff ; ( f ) loss of reputation of the first plaintiff ; ( g ) distress and suffering ; ( h ) loss of opportunity to develop the centre ; and ( i ) other consequential loss .
27 I am consulting a solicitor to gain compensation for loss of earnings from the driver 's insurance company . ’
28 To Shorehead , Huddersfield , from Margaret Shaw who suffered temporary loss of vision during a migraine attack on a shopping trip : ‘ I could not possibly have been offered greater kindness — which went beyond mere service . ’
29 The loss of vision in the peripheral field is frequently referred to as tunnel vision as this describes the effect .
30 A loss of adjustment to the 24-hour day
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