Example sentences of "couple [prep] [noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 I somehow do n't think they will take major amounts of money at those very restrictive odds , though I suppose you may get a couple of punters putting down a few quid each way : - ) .
2 because , you know , you will see a couple of doctors wandering around and sitting at the desk
3 The alley ended abruptly in a couple of steps leading down to the sluggish black waters of a canal .
4 I mean now there 's a couple of people quibbling about actually paying at the that we did .
5 Only a couple of kids larking about .
6 We 've been told if we go over the two pound , they wo n't sell , sell so well , erm , so really I 'm not too sure , but er , I , I can work on bigger , er , like I got this couple of days off living Manchester , I 'm sure if I approach erm , you know , the police , they might give me a couple of days selling out there .
7 It became the conversation cornerstone for the couple of days leading up to it .
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