Example sentences of "significant part [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Whether you see jumble as giving or refuse disposal , the fact is that it makes up a significant part of the income of small local organisations .
2 ‘ Even in the Kirby Sigston and Codbeck area , in landscape terms the most significant part of the route , undergrounding can not be justified . ’
3 Stamp duty is not necessarily paid on assets transferred by delivery and the purchaser may wish to apportion a significant part of the price to these assets , subject to other tax considerations .
4 Thomas and Mungham show how the duty solicitor scheme was created and evolved , ostensibly as an act of public service but chiefly as a significant part of the struggle by outsiders to break into the cartel .
5 Teacher assessment constitutes a significant part of the assessment in all but one of the 20 principal GCSE subjects .
6 they usually involve a significant part of the work being carried out without close supervision ;
7 It now forms a significant part of the country 's output .
8 These minimum standards now comprise a significant part of the law applying to companies in the member states , and deal with such matters as the obligations of promoters , liabilities of companies , capitalisation , and the presentation of corporate accounts .
9 A significant part of the problem was related on the one hand to the scale of government overseas expenditure ( government current transactions ) , and on the other to the scale of capital exports .
10 Winning space therefore assumed a significant part of the assembly programme .
11 By the early nineteenth century , however , some social values constituted a significant part of the morality of more than one caste .
12 We have argued in favour of retirement relief , as land is merely one of several business assets and as such does not have to be part of a disposal for that disposal to constitute a significant part of the business .
13 The possibility that this approach might appear to poor parents as a punishment for their poverty was not considered to be a significant part of the equation .
14 One of the non-fundholding control practices was excluded from the analysis because it did not collect referral data for a significant part of the study .
15 Other tourist services forming a significant part of the package
16 Horse riding is a significant part of the economy , generating some £350 million a year in business for ancillary trades .
17 Continental crust is only about one-half as efficient at conducting heat as oceanic crust , so if a supercontinent , such as Pangaea , covers a significant part of the Earth 's surface heat will build up in the mantle below it .
18 A significant part of the answer lies in the social , economic , and political problems of her neighbours , and the pattern of their diplomatic manoeuvres .
19 It accounts rather inadequately for new products , where quite clearly a significant part of the task of advertising , and its main visible and measurable effect , is to spread awareness , knowledge and information about the new brand .
20 Highlighting is used on all or part of an option number to emphasise the significant part of the number at the level shown .
21 Interviews at Southend School revealed a similar tendency — that the self-appraisal had not been perceived as a significant part of the process and it is questionable to what extent it was in fact an appraisal .
22 Even amongst the Greeks , Corinth was noted for its immorality — there was a significant part of the population whose god was debauchery .
23 If there was a sphere in which the authorities had a certain justification for retreating from the policy of reform ( and in which they could have afforded to act without alienating a numerically significant part of the population ) , it was that of higher education .
24 Publisher 's themed series now account for a significant part of the market , but are too many thought up by designers and marketing departments rather than horticulturalists ?
25 A significant part of the project is the interviewing of journalists about their work .
26 Quiss had demolished a significant part of the castle when he first discovered this , unwilling to believe that the stones , every one of them , all the tens of thousands of cubic metres the castle must be composed of , all those kilotonnes of rock really were saturated , filled full of hidden , indecipherable lettering .
27 Hers was a significant part of the testimony of the schools inquiry ( Taunton ) commission , whose reports proposed the establishment of schools for girls under public authority , curricular reform , and women 's access to higher education .
28 It is clear that law centres have played a significant part in the provision of legal advice , but there are contrasting indications about their future wellbeing .
29 Eustace had played a significant part in the struggle between Angevin and Capetian royal houses , but , as with the case of his contemporary , Fulk Fitzwarine [ q.v. ] , it was his exploits as a fugitive on the run from authority which really appealed to his biographer .
30 The picture of a growing economy provided by the Plan , in which production was sure of finding sales , probably played a significant part in the resumption of growth after 1952 ’ ( Carré et al. , 1976 , p. 471 ) .
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