Example sentences of "held [prep] be [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I do not accept the intervener 's argument that it is in some way undignified for the decision of a visitor on the basis of advice from an eminent judge to be subject to judicial review and that if certiorari is held to be available senior judges will not wish to give such advice .
2 To apply these characteristics as the criterion for dismissal or refusal to employ is to apply a gender-based criterion , which the majority of the House of Lords has already held to be unlawful direct discrimination in James v Eastleigh Borough Council [ 1990 ] 2 AC 751 .
3 In Jones [ 1981 ] Crim LR 119 , minor abrasions and a bruise were held to be actual bodily harm , though the case was thought to be on the margins .
4 Both are then held to be deficient relative to Marx 's conception of a ‘ mode of production ’ within which differentiation can be understood , made intelligible and ultimately accountable to a materialistically grounded ethics of emancipation rooted in a conception of a ‘ complex ’ totality .
5 There is not held to be any appreciable time-lapse -between the experience of the touch and the arising in one 's mind of the visual image .
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