Example sentences of "patients [was/were] [verb] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Patients were selected from a group of 496 patients with insulin dependent diabetes who attended our clinic regularly , according to the following criteria : they were aged 18–60 , had insulin dependent diabetes mellitus of at least five years ' duration , had a stable body mass index not exceeding 30 kg/m , a glycated haemoglobin concentration of less than 10% , were not hypertensive ( supine blood pressure less than 160/95 mm Hg and no antihypertensive treatment ) , had persistent microalbuminuria — that is , urinary albumin excretion between 30 and 300 mg/24 h at least twice during the previous six months — were not pregnant or wanting to be pregnant , and had no chronic disease other than diabetes .
2 Patients were selected from a group of 80 who were admitted to Northwick Park Hospital during a five year period for management of active Crohn 's disease with an elemental diet .
3 Patients were selected from a computerised database of 222 patients with chronic ulcerative colitis attending Leigh Infirmary .
4 In the old large hospitals it was sometimes difficult to detect the strong mutual , informal relationships which developed amongst patients and provided a good deal of support , and , unfortunately , often little account was taken of these relationships when patients were moved from the hospitals into the community .
5 Four of the 44 patients were withdrawn from the study .
6 In addition to the two patients excluded from analysis , another 13 patients were withdrawn from the study ( Table II ) .
7 These patients were withdrawn from the trial and treated with corticosteroids .
8 These patients were dropped from the study but were allowed to re-enter eight weeks later .
9 All specimens in these control patients were taken from a site at least 5 cm from any macroscopic abnormality , and adjacent mucosal specimens , which were normal on histological examination were obtained in all .
10 These 20 patients were taken from a total of 32 diagnosed during the same period ; 12 patients were excluded because of poor compliance with the diet ( seven cases ) or denied consent to the protocol ( five cases ) .
11 These patients were recruited from the waiting list of new patients which comprised patients who had been classified as having routine conditions by the consultant on the basis of the information in the referral letter .
12 The rest of the patients were recruited from the gastroenterology outpatient clinic , where they had presented with transient or persistent abdominal complaints .
13 Patients were drawn from the outpatient service of the University Department of Medicine , Hope Hospital , Salford and comprised 38 disease control subjects and 65 patients with proved gluten sensitivity , of whom 32 were untreated at the time of study .
14 Patients were excluded from the study if they were pregnant or lactating , if they were expecting to undergo surgery , or if they had a history of concurrent gastric ulceration , renal insufficiency , alcoholism ( pure ethanol intake greater than 100 ml/day ( women ) or 120 ml/day ( men ) , or behaviour consistent with alcohol abuse ) , drug abuse , or language difficulties .
15 Three patients were excluded from the subsequent analysis as anaemia ( haemoglobin <13 g/100 ml men , <11.5 g/100 ml women ) was not confirmed at the hospital or on reviewing the family practitioners ' investigations .
16 Patients were excluded from the study if ( 1 ) they were unable or unwilling to give written informed consent , ( 2 ) had bleeding tendency ( platelet count ≤50000/mm , prothrombin time less than 30% , or taking anticoagulants ) , ( 3 ) had a non-bleeding visible vessel , ( 4 ) had a bleeding gastric cancer , or ( 5 ) had more than one bleeding source .
17 Forty six patients were excluded from the analysis according to protocol , 42 because of incorrect entry requirements ( 15 taking steroids at too high a dose at entry , 21 because symptoms were too mild , and six because disease extent was not established ) .
18 Patients were excluded from the study if they were already taking steroids , had evidence of intestinal perforation , significant intestinal obstruction , toxic megacolon , massive gastrointestinal haemorrhage , or mid-jejunal fistulas that precluded the use of enteral nutrition .
19 Patients were excluded from the study if they had received mithramycin , calcitonin , steroids , or any other antihypercalcaemic agent within 14 days ; received chemotherapy within 14 days , or had a change or introduction of hormone treatment within 6 weeks ; a serum creatinine 200 mol/L after hydration ; or were pregnant .
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